Writing Tip 3: Don't hold back chapters to get more votes and comments

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Chapter written by KatherineArlene

You've started your story and posted the first few chapters. You get some reads, which makes you feel great! But as time passes, those who are reading your new chapters aren't commenting or voting and it starts to really get to you.

If they take the time to read, why can't they press that little vote button and comment a few simple words? How hard can it be? Maybe if you hold back on your next chapter until you get X number of votes or comments,that might encourage those readers to finally step out of the shadows. After all, they must want to read on, right?

This is not a good idea.

The overwhelming number of readers who comment on this subject say they are turned off by this approach, and some end up no longer reading those stories. Readers don't enjoy being blackmailed by authors.

The truth is, it doesn't matter if you're a published author or posting your first work on Wattpad, it's really hard to get recognition (votes, comments, reviews) from your readers. It's just the way things are, so don't worry you're doing something wrong.

There are things you can do to encourage readers to vote and comment. Add author's notes to your chapters sharing a bit about your writing process, asking a few open ended questions, and then requesting they vote if they enjoyed it. You can also reach out to them before reading by thanking them for adding your story to their library.

You should always thank readers who vote, and if you see they've voted on the last chapter, be sure to thank them for reading and tell them you hope they enjoyed it. They might just give you feedback. If you do get a comment on your story, always respond. If readers see an author never or rarely responds to comments, they are much less likely to post one themselves. When you respond, it will encourage them to comment again.

Remember, always approach your readers with a friendly, positive attitude. That will make you seem more approachable, and might make them more comfortable about stepping out of the shadows.

What others have had to say

Sara91Helal "If you write for your own enjoyment and not just to get recognition, readers will eventually appreciate what you do and your base will grow a bit by a bit."

PriciliaChang "Always respond to comments as it shows people how much you love your work"

xFakingaSmilex "People will respect and support a writer willing to put hours into replying to their messages and comments because it shows that the author values, respects and acknowledges another beings effort and thoughts." -

Ammelia11 "Never write for popularity. Popularity is a bonus rather than the reason for writing. There are many reasons why people don't vote or comment. Maybe they legitimately forgot. In which case, put a note at the end and remind them to. Maybe they're paranoid about stepping out of the shadows and don't want their name out there. Maybe they enjoy the story so much that they read the whole thing in one go, and then only remember to comment on the last chapter. As long as you're enjoying writing the story, that shouldn't matter."

ViktoriaRay "Some people will comment and vote while others may be more prone to one or the other. As a writer, you have no control over what your reader chooses to do once they finish a chapter. The best thing you can focus on is providing them with good reading material, something you worked hard on and are proud of. The more love you give your story, the more they will too."

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