Writing Tip 2: Write What You Enjoy

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Chapter written by Sara91Helal

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." - William Wordsworth.

As it goes without saying, you cannot write a good story without passion. Writing is telepathy; you channel your own emotions through words and phrases to anyone, anywhere. If your story isn't pulsating with passion, how do you expect your recipient to feel any?

Write what you love

Emotions are contagious. When you write something you love, there will be readers who are bound to love it too.

"I can't write to please everyone, but someone, somewhere will be touched if I put my heart into it." - Sara Winters

Write for yourself

Doesn't matter if you have tons of readers, or just a few. The moment you translate your passion into written words is indeed the moment you succeed. Write for yourself, then others will follow.

"I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself." - J. K. Rowling

Make your own trend

Don't let people, the market, or the "Hot List" dictate you what to write, it goes the other way around. Sometimes one is inclined to pursue the easy way by writing what sells. Such stories might get attention, but are soon forgotten because as you read on, you find the words coming out forced, fake. They don't change you.

We're not saying you should stop seeking audience, we all want to be heard, but wouldn't it be fantastic if your words leave a print in all the minds they touch?

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison

Make your story memorable!

What others have had to say

ViktoriaRay "You'll know you're writing for yourself if you find yourself looking forward to writing each chapter. The words should just flow out of you. In your mind, it all plays out before you like a movie. You can picture the scene, the characters, the actions and words. You just feel what will happen, and it always feels right. Don't be afraid to set your mind free!"

VoldermotYOLO "When you write , don't write what people might want you to. Instead write something your passionate about as well as something you know you would read. Remember if you write a story you won't like , many people are less likely to like the story."

Ammelia11 "Readers can tell when you have no passion or interest in writing a story, and you'll know it yourself because you will never have any interest in writing it. Don't force yourself to write a tory you hate - a story you love will always be ten times better because you'll be excited yourself to see what happens next! If we only wrote what was popular we'd never get original stories."

KatherineArlene "Write what you enjoy. If you love what you're writing, someone else is bound to love it too. But even no one loves it, nothing can take away the enjoyment you got writing it" -

Write what you love! Hopefully this inspires you.

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