Writing Tip 18: Save ideas for later

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The mind of a writer is a very strange place - all you have to do is take a look at the things we search for on google! At times, we can be constantly coming up with ideas and inspiration. Screenwriters are paid to come up with plots that constantly change and update to add drama, and those of us here are no different, with a barrage of different concepts constantly coming to mind.

The only issue with this? Oftentimes we want to write those stories. Immediately.

Having several ideas can be a good thing - it gets us excited for a project, and as we have said previously, being interested in your work is a good thing. However, there can be a time where having too many ideas can be detrimental. There are few people who can write several stories at once without being overwhelmed.

This doesn't mean you should just drop those ideas, however. Many writers carry notebooks, have several word documents, and on Wattpad have several drafts of stories. If you have a good idea, record it somewhere! Nothing can be more frustrating than knowing that you had a great idea, and now don't remember it, so keeping a notebook handy is always a plus. Once you've finished with your current story, you'll then have something to look forward to and work on.

Of course, if you can handle all of those ideas and keep up with your publishing schedule at the same time, you should. Using an idea while it's still fresh can be a great thing, especially if that idea is really useful to a story you're already writing. Just be careful that you don't overwhelm yourself with too much information. Juggling multiple ideas can often have the negative result of writers mixing stories up, which is where having your ideas written down and clearly laid out can be useful. You're able to plan your plot in advance, which means you can get straight to the writing process on your stories.

All in all, saving ideas for later use has its perks, especially if they lead to multiple projects later on. You never know - they might come in handy when you have writer's block or when you need to work on a new book!

What others have had to say

KatherineArlene "Be sure to keep careful track of where you keep your ideas. The last thing you want to do is lose any of them." 

Gypsy_Love "When you get story ideas, put them in books. Use different books for different stories. Keep every idea because you never know when an idea will come in handy."

drwhogivesadamn "Writers have the most creative minds, so don't be surprised when bright ideas come to you in the middle of the night or over a slice of pizza. That's the gift you were given, and like any gift, treasure it.

Grab a pen and paper or your phone to record it. Just make sure when you do decide to write something, it's accessible. You never know, the next idea for a bestseller may already be on that trusty notepad of yours.

Avoid the magpie in you by saving ideas for later. If you're busy writing a story at the moment, then jot that great idea now. Two things could happen: one, you could write about it after finishing whatever story or stories you have right now or two, you'll find that it wasn't that good after all. The time between coming up with the idea and going back to it made you realize that the idea only seemed pleasing because you were finding difficulty in your current story.

A gentle reminder not to keep jumping into the next best idea and leaving the rest unfinished. Keeping a notepad assures you that you have that idea saved while you work on what you have right now."

PriciliaChang "Don't postpone writing, the best idea comes at a very odd time sometimes."

xFakingaSmilex "Some ideas are like seeds. They need to be planted and nourished until they develop and grow into something beautiful."

We hope you found that useful. What do you do when you're overwhelmed with ideas?

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