Chapter 1: The Resolution

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A/N: Welcome! Hope you're here for some fun because this first chapter is pretty full of laughter and party time, literally. I recommend to listen to the song Sonic will sing as you're reading that part in the story. Might make it sound better. ^^" Or listen to it before hand. Either way, the credit goes to the wonderful artists who drew the following images below that were used in this chapter. Please enjoy. Stay Tuned!

"Sonic is doing what?"

"He's throwing a celebration party in the Resistance Hall."

Shadow and Amy were sitting together near a koi pond, with Amy throwing little bread crumbs towards the fish. The fish quickly swam to the surface, munching to each of the pieces of bread being thrown into the water.

"It's barely been a month since we took down the Eggman Empire, and already the faker is celebrating with a party," Shadow sighed. "Eggman is still in a coma and we do know when he will wake up. We need to be ready."

Amy leaned softly against his shoulder, also letting out a small sigh. The sun was beginning to dim over the horizon as the fish also seemed to settle on the ground in the pond, getting ready for their slumber.

"So, should we not go?" She asked.

"I don't want to...But we should. The least we can do for the resistance is to be there for them during their celebration," Shadow replied as he closed his eyes, enjoying a small gentle breeze flowing by. "Then again...We already have problems to deal with."

"Shadow...We already have members on the lookout for the emeralds ever since they separated themselves away. Luckily, Silver found one, remember?  Even Sonic hasn't rested on that idea just yet," Amy tried to reassure Shadow.

"The faker is throwing a party in celebration of losing the emeralds. Fantastic. What about Gadget? There's still no word from him on his quest to search for Infinite," Shadow said as he opened his eyes and stared somewhat in anger at the ground. He still wasn't use to the whole leadership idea, even after Sonic made a return back to the resistance. "And on top of that-"

"The Phantom Ruby is still missing. I know, ulimate life form," Amy said rather tiredly as she stood up, surprising Shadow as she walked away from him, resting her back against an oak tree.

Shadow decided in that moment to let his pride and ego go down. Ever since the resistance won the final battle, Shadow and Amy decided it was the perfect time to get together, only that they've kept their companionship a secret from everyone else. The problem was, only one person seemed to make an actual effort in the relationship.

Shadow was always busy with the clean-up crew and keeping track with data from the other cities in Mobius, while Amy...Well, basically in charge of those small clean-up crews in small parts of the cities. She would always try to invite Shadow to do these cool, new things together just to finally have some fun, but he would never have the time or even the effort to do so. Even today, on one of Shadow's days off, was he still worrying about work.

Shadow's ears drew back as he stood up as well, calmly making his way towards Amy. He rested his back on the opposite side of the tree, sighing in defeat as he knew that what he said were starting to hurt himself.



"I'm sorry. I've been...I've been so worried with trying to keep this world safe from evil. I don't want you or anyone getting hurt. Not again..."

After a few moments, Amy stood upright as she walked around and stopped in front of Shjadow. She gave him a small sad smile as she placed a palm on his cheek.

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