Chapter 4: The Plan

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Silver opened his eyes slowly, finding himself surrounded by thick metal bars keeping him in place. He noticed that the cell seemed to be in a large cavern. A couple of Black Arm soldiers stood in front of cell and one of them looked at Silver. He grunted as the solider made a soft growl sound, alerting the bigger villains. Silver gasped, realizing that he was surrounded by the villains Sonic had defeated in the past.

Dark Gaia, Mecha Sonic, Perfect Chaos, Black Doom, Dark Merlina, the Biolizard, Erazor Djinn, King Boom Boo, the Ifrit.

"Yes, Silver. We're all here," Phantom said as he floated towards the cell, landing on his feet as he stood in front of it. "Do you recognize me, I wonder."

Yes, Silver knew who this was. He remembered Sonic briefing him on all the villains he's ever graced and judging but the markings, this was Imperator IX.

"Imperator IX, leader of the Nocturnus clan, yes?" Silver asked, his tone serious and not filled with fear. Clearly, he had no idea what he was up against, being surrounded by powerful beings.

Phantom chuckled as he outstretched his arms. "In the flesh, in a way. I'm just borrowing Sonic's body at the moment, so you can't see my real form yet. Perhaps you may never see it."

"May I ask why we need this white rodent?" Erazor commented, having his arms crossed. Phantom sighed as he turned around fully, having his hands behind his back.

"I should remind you again that you are all apart of my plan, the plan to rid of this world. I cannot do this alone and, therefore, need your assistance in gathering what I need," Phantom commented as Dark Merlina stepped forward.

"I think he means why we need this hedgehog. I sense a great power within his soul," she said as Silver got into a defensive mode.

"Oh, yes he does have great power. He contains the power to time travel. I wish to drain him of this ability to use for our own," Phantom said with a small smile. The Ifrit screeched softly, almost looking like it was trying to communicate.

"You've had a run in with Ifrit, yes, Silver?" Phantom asked, his back still facing Silver.

"Why should I answer? You clearly should know," Silver said sarcastically. It was silent for a moment before Phantom turned back in front of Silver.

"Let me tell you something, pest. Would you like to know my grand plan? You're either going to perish like those damn friends of yours or you'll be ripped to shreds by the minion army we have. How about it?" Phantom growled, not enjoying Silver's sense of humor. Without getting an answer, Phantom raised up a hand and the other villains backed up in command. "I plan to do something that will become so disruptive, that it will never be able to mend itself back together. It will...Break the actual fabric of space and time, being able to mend in my own hand using the Phantom Ruby, Silver."

Silver eye's widen as Phantom chuckled in delight. His ears perked back as Phantom floated in the air, a phantom aura surrounding his body. Phantom grabbed one of the bars, holding himself as he floated in the air. He started whispering, wish caused Silver to move just a little closer.

" I never thought them as essential. They're crude and unspeakably plain," He said as he rolled his eyes. "But maybe they've a glimmer of potential...If allied to my vision and brain," he finished with a smirk as he pushed himself off the bars. Walking away with his smirk still on, Phantom walked towards the other villains, who were eager and restless to hear about his plan in full detail.

"I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside, but thick as you are, pay attention!" He yelled as he kicked a Gaia solider out of his way. "My words are a matter of pride. It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs." he finished as he waved a finger. Some of the bigger baddies growled in defiance as Phantom laughed.

"But we're talking kings and successions, Even you can't be caught unawares!" Phantom yelled excitedly as the villains were taken aback. Clearly, Phantom had been planning this for a VERY long time. "So prepare for a chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news~"

"A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer," Phantom continued, even making the motion himself as King Boom Boo spoke up to ask his question.

"And where do we feature?" He asked as Phantom grabbed his cheek somewhat roughly.

"Just listen to teacher," Phantom commented as he let go, leaving King Boom Boo rubbing his ghost cheek. How Phantom was able to grab his cheek scared him a bit.

"I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded, when at last I am given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared, be prepared!" He finished, with a hand on his chest as he was standing on a large rock pillar.

"Yes, be prepared. Yes...We'll be prepared, heh....For what?" Erazor asked, his eyebrow raised.

"For the death of this world," Phantom answered, as Erazor seemed lost still. "Fool-- we're going to destroy it, and every other world as well."

"Great idea! Who needs a world?" King Boom Boo said happily, doing a little cheer.

"Idiots! There will be a world!" Phantom growled, making the ghost stop.

"Hey, but you said, uh-" Before the ghost can finish, Phantom spoke up again.

"I will make a world, just for us! ...Stick with me, and you'll rule your very own world in your liking!"

"Yay! All right! Long live the Phantom Ruby!" King Boom Boo cheered. The other villains, content with the plan cheer for their new leader as well.

"Long live the Phantom Ruby!" Merlina, Erazor, Mecha, and Black Doom cheered.

"Long live the Phantom Ruby!"

The Ifrit, Dark Gaia, and Perfect Chaos roared in agreement, excited for their new master.

It's great that we'll soon be connected.
With a master who'll be all-time adored.

"Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected, to take certain duties on board," Phantom said with a smile, making a motion across his neck. "The future is littered with prizes, and though I'm the main addressee...The point that I must emphasize is-" Before he could finish, he jumped and landed in front of a few Black Arm soldiers. "You won't get a sniff without me!"

"So prepare for the coup of the century, be prepared for the murkiest scam!" Phantom said as he floated to an even larger rock pillar. The villains followed him with gleam, even the Black Arm soldiers and Gaia soldiers were following him up.  "Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning, decades of denial, is simply why I'll be the master undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder I am!" Once he made it to the top, he formed a sort of mask, along with a pitch black cape that flowed with the wind coming from the top of the cavern, where there was a large hole.

"Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!" He yelled as he looked at his comrades with a large smirk.

"Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared!" They yelled back, having grins on their faces that matched their leader's own smirk.

"Be prepared!" They all yelled in unison, laughing maniacally as Silver backed up in fear. Whatever plans Phantom had in store for the Resistance, was about to commence, and Silver had no way of warning them.

Warning them...That there was no stopping Imperator IX and the Phantom Ruby.

"Who will stand in my way, I wonder!" He yelled before placing on his new mask, purposely making it look like Infinite's mask.

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