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January the fourth,

Turning out different to how you imagined it,

Nothing makes sense,

Not even the words being place on here,

Feeling confused and hoping this will end up in an amazing twist,

You may think this is a puzzle but at the end you will need that gold tray,

To pick up what you left behind while you got so lost in my gaze.


---The Solider Ones--

This road is tough,

Longer to heal when no one understands,

Only I have I tried,

To keep my head up high,

My frown is letting me down,

I feel so alone even though my lover never leaves me,

I sit in a dark room,

Thinking about sad songs and I know that won't help,

What I feel right now,

Keep smiling no one will know,

This isn't about lost and found,

I haven't even lost anything yet,

Maybe my inhumane I have as he reads my words I type,

I might as well feel welcomed at an asylum.



--There Apology--

All the things you have said,

Somehow I still hurt,

Like I want an apology,

It almost feels like a need,

I know I wont get it because you've already forgotten,

You know how to get a reaction out of me even though we aren't so close,

It still hurts so much,

'YOU' were wrong about something that has just happened.

For once you were wrong, that feared me a lot.
—Pleasing Strangers—

I don't want a life like this no more,
Give every hour to please someone I don't like,
To prove them wrong,
I don't want to write a letter to my parents,
Making it a twisted joke,
Mind rushing and bleeding out  from my lovers veins,
Selfish; that who I am?
Four days straight and one night leads me to the fence,
We're he throw me back into my sea shell once again.


--Cheater Cat--

Feeling its still there,

I just got to keep reminding myself,

That his my soulmate,

Like in movies,

Don't take him for granted and everything will be okay.

Is this how  you're  thinking?

You kissed a girl and that doesn't mean anything? 

Yes, it meant nothing.

Did you tell her that?


Cheater Cat.

Thanks I like that name! 


--Slowly Falling Hard--

Feeling ashamed,

Not even these letters feel right,

I try my best to be a good lover,

Week to week,

I rely on that payment,

Even through my mum says its going to be okay,

Nothing is okay and even she's slowly noticing it,

I know she won't be that supporting when it all falls down and my lover will leave me.
-Dance Box-
Getting a weird feeling in the veins,
Something that pumps through  your heart little bit faster,
Why does music make you feel that way?
Only then it gives you a headache after such a long time,
Pretending your not thinking about your ex lover,
That's all an act,
Trying to stand there blinking while you're staring,
I know I don't have the best intentions but at least give him a chance.
— Revenging The Devil—
I prayed to the lord,
That in meeting you,
Everything will be okay,
It wasn't,
We still had broken memories and unsolved answers,
At least I knew what it felt,
To touch those lips of yours,
That doesn't mean anything,
For a moment,
It was good but felt?
I knew what I'd done was wrong,
I shouldn't be here with you,
I've said in the past you were the devil,
Devils work in the making of destroying me and my lover,
I'd let it because I was so court in  how too;
on the revenge.
—Mirror Me—
Finally the weight on my shoulders lifted,
Someone understood me,
Why I did what I did,
I don't feel alone anymore,
Even though the others say nasty things to me,
It doesn't hurt so much now,
I know they'll never understand what it's like,
To have experience what I gone through and even if they did ; I wouldn't want their pity.

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