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The stairs carried on for what felt like forever until we reached the top. The floor was huge and giant ceilings towered above me. Mrs. Laura walked onto the peach colored carpet down a corridor with doors on either side. Names were labeled onto black chalkboard on the outside, 'Travis' in neon orange and 'Otto' in dark green.

We walked past them and stopped at the end of the hallway with the door that had a blank chalkboard. She smiled down at me and pulled the door handle open. It creaked loud which startled me. Sunlight beamed out onto my skin and revealed a light colored wood frame sat against the right corner of the room. A desk was placed beside the other wall and a dress beside it. I walked inside letting my skin breathe the sunlight. I noticed a second door and went to investigate.

After opening the door I found the secret walk in closet that was hidden behind it. I flipped the light switch and gazed in amazement at the shelves that lined the wall. I knew I didn't have even close to that many clothes to fill it with but it gave me hope for the future.

I mean why would they give me a big room with a big closet if they didn't plan for me to out something in it.

I turned off the light and walked back out to see Mrs.Laura sitting on my mattress with a new bag I hadn't seen before. She pulled out four new notebooks and a pack of pens.

"So Awsten, we have you signed up for your first day of school tomorrow." I laughed at her phrasing.

"This isn't my first day. I've been through the first year of high school already, I should be okay." She gave me a big smile and handed me the bright yellow backpack.

"You're right, I'm sure you'll be okay. Otto and Travis like it there. There's some pretty girls there too." She teased and I laughed harder than I meant to. I contemplated correcting her but decided my first day in a religious family wasn't the best time to do that.

"Well, I know you must be tired so we cooked up some dinner down stairs before we picked you up so we could eat as a family. Would you like to come and eat with us now?" She asked rubbing my shoulder and standing up. I nodded and followed her back out of the room.

I could smell the strong scent of freshly cooked grilled cheese and tomato soup that over powered the vanilla. I could hear stairs sliding on the wood floors as I rounded the corner to the kitchen. On the table sat two plates of grilled cheese and five separate bowls of tomato soup played beside white spotless plates.

I sat in an empty seat next to Travis that was across from Otto. He rolled his eyes when I tried to give him a friendly smile. I looked away quickly to the ends of the table where Mrs.Laura and Mr.Daniel sat. They out reached their hands to all of us and we connected in a circle. I watched everyone now heads and close eyes, I reluctantly did the same. After Mr. Daniel finished with his prayer we released hands and worked our way to the plates of food.

I sat back and let everyone else get their share first. After everyone had gotten theirs I reached over to get two grilled cheese from the plate and dropped them onto mine. My hungry stomach tumbled at the sight. The table was quiet while we all began to eat. After I finished my main meal I moved on to the soup that was still warm. It warmed up my throat and thawed my insides.

Once we all had finished we excused ourselves from the table and went back upstairs to our rooms. The door to my room creaked again but it didn't frighten me. I kicked off my shoes and put my bags into the small wooden desk chair. I sunk my body into the mattress pulled the blanket over my body.

I was exhausted.

My eyes fell weak and suddenly threw me into a much needed sleep.

It Follows 《Gawsten》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora