Chapter 5: Departure

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When Zoltána awoke the next morning, she managed to get up without awakening Eva or the children. With no breakfast to eat, she set her mind on the family's exodus and the equipment they would need. She shuffled to the door, planning to go alone, then stopped and reconsidered. Seeing Vladimir and Leif curled up in Havel's bed, she frowned with uncertainty.

"Should I trust them?" she asked herself. "No one comes just to help. Not in this city. If the furry one is as naïve as he looks..."

Her face slackened.

"My god, he'll need my help as much as I need his."

Making her decision, Zoltána approached the bed where the two wanderers slept. Placing her hand on Vladimir's shoulder, she jostled the boy once.

Vladimir's eyes shot open. Looking up, he batted away Zoltána's hand, sat up, clenching his fists.

"What's the matter, Vlad?" Leif mumbled.

"She was touching me," said Vladimir.

"I was trying to wake you up without disturbing the kids," said Zoltána.

With her shoulder, she indicated the bed behind her, where the children sat up, staring blearily at the three.

"I'm sorry," said Vladimir. "I just don't like being touched."

"You?" Leif snickered.

"She's a woman. That's different."

There was an awkward pause. Zoltána raised an eyebrow.

"Vlad," said Leif, "you're going to have to explain that."


Keeping his head down, Vladimir hastily vaulted out of bed. Zoltána looked to Leif for an explanation.

"He had a bad childhood," Leif whispered to her. "That's all I know."

"Fine," said Zoltána. "Would you two come with me while I buy us equipment?"

"Certainly. Right, Vlad?"

"Sure," Vladimir mumbled.

"In that case," said Zoltána, "we need to get you a disguise. I don't know whether or not Vladimir and I have been connected to the killing, but you're the first lupine this town has seen in about a decade. With or without an investigation, people will be talking about you, and it will reach the wrong ears that there was a lupine in Kurjak's office the day he died."

"So we need to make me look human?" Leif guessed.

"Essentially. There isn't enough clothing in this house to cover you convincingly, so Vladimir and I are going to go and buy a cloak, then come back for you."

"Sounds wise."

"Good. Vladimir, let's go."

With visible apprehension, Vladimir stepped up next to Zoltána and followed her out onto the muddy streets.

"So," began Zoltána. "What's your secret?"

"You mean why I don't like being touched? I apologize for that, but I can't tell you."

"All Leif would tell me is that you had a bad childhood. Is that true?"

"It is. And I didn't tell him anything else for the exact reason that I knew he wouldn't keep it secret."

"Well, whatever happened to you, you shouldn't fear me just because I'm a woman."

"It's not just that. There's something else, too. I'm afraid of you because you're a person. And people are enemies."

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