Chapter 7: Bounty Hunters

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Not long after Vladimir resumed reading, one of the children mumbled something to Jordaki.

"Aunt Zoltána," he said, "Celina says she's hungry."

Eva sighed, wishing that she had been asked first.

"Should we stop to eat?" Zoltána proposed.

"Sure," said Leif.

"Yes," said Eva. "I'm hungry, Zoltána. We're all hungry."

At this, Zoltána stopped the horse, which was by now only too happy to rest. Putting a meaty hand on the cart's railing, she vaulted heavily to the ground.

"Leif?" she said, "Would you join me?"

"I'd love to."

With a subtle wag of his tail, Leif leapt out and made a three-point landing on the stony grass.

"Vladimir," said Zoltána. "Can I trust you with the children?"


"Look me in the eye and tell me that you'll keep them safe."

Vladimir recoiled. He met Zoltána's beastly stare, and his shifty eyes hardened.

"I will keep them safe," he enunciated.

Zoltána kept glaring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You had better be right," she said.

With that, she left him with the cart while she and Leif waded into the forest.

"Can I lead?" asked Leif. "I've never been in a forest like this before, but I know a thing or two about tracking."

"Go ahead."

"Are you alright?" said Leif, as he sniffed the air. "You looked uneasy about leaving Vlad with the kids."

"I am. I've already lost one family member by trusting other people to keep him safe. If I lose another..."

"I wouldn't worry about it. Vlad may not seem like the responsible type, but he wouldn't leave a job half-finished. He's certainly better than that no-good factory boss."

"I should hope so."

The pair walked for a little longer, with Leif struggling to stay on the spoor he had picked up.

"Over there," said Zoltána, thrusting her finger at a red-dotted bush.

"What is it?"


"What good would that- ah, right."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't eat berries. I've been looking for meat."

Zoltána knelt down by the berries, her knee making a pit in the soft dirt, and yanked the them free one by one.

"This place is sparse of meat," she said, "and I'm afraid I can't help you. I've never hunted in my life."

"It's okay. I can go without if we have to."

"But for how long?"

"I'm not sure. But don't worry. I'll be fine."

As Zolt­­ána finished gathering up the cleanest-looking berries, she heard a cry of alarm from the trail. It was in Eva's voice.

"Oh no..." she breathed. "Leif, are you faster than me?"

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