one. - m

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text message

it's nice to meet you, michael.

michael smiled; he may not have known exactly who this kay was, though she was probably a fan, but he already liked her. something about this virtual girl caught his attention.

same goes for you, kay.

he waited only a few seconds before his text went from delivered to read at 12:04 am.

how did you know?

she had asked. michael did not understand.

know what?

he asked.

that i was an insomniac. no one knows.

he smiled again.

it takes one to know one.

does it really?

she asked. if michael had seen her in real life, he would have imagined a smirk on the mystery girl's face.

not all the time. sometimes you just know when the person answers you at 12 in the morning on a monday.

fair point.

michael, being his socially awkward self, did not know how to respond. kay made that easy for him.

tell me about yourself. i don't know anything about you. you could be a serial killer for all i know.

michael laughed silently, not wanting to wake his band mates.

you could also be one, so you must inform me of your life as well.


er. yeah.

ily *kisses*

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