seventeen. -m

833 54 21


text message

what? something wrong?

michael groaned and rubbed a hand over his face; kaylee was going to hold this against him, he knew it.

yes. something is very wrong.

what? maybe i can help.

you're enjoying this, aren't you?

oh, very much mr. clifford. :-)

the blonde boy shook his head, glancing up for a moment to find all his bandmates staring at him with silly grins. "what?" he asked.

"nothing." they all replied, looking away. (but still smiling like the idiots they are.)

i hate you so much right now.

like you could ever hate me.

wtf are you a mind reader or something.

he was seriously wondering.

i could ask you the same, mr. stop-jumping-on-the-couch.

the similarities are endless.

they pulled up in front of their house and the boys all wished the driver goodbye and to have a good day. michael was the first inside, going immediately to his room so he could change and get ready for his da- meet-up.


(*miranda sings voice* yeah right, he was totally calling it a date.)

whatever. whatcha doing?

michael wanted badly to send her a picture, but knew that would be extremely weird on her side; he was pantless, after all.

i'm not sure you want to know.

michael scrambled around his messy room, picking up one of his band tees and sniffing it. it smelled good, so he lifted his current shirt over his head and switched it. he heard the familiar buzz of his phone when kaylee messaged him and cursed, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and hopping into them as he made way back to his bed.

(imagine michael hopping in skinny jeans hahaha.)

i won't ask then... i've learned my lesson.


what are you doing?

he asked as he buttoned and zipped the jeans. he looked around, feeling as if he needed one more thing, and spotted a clean (thank the gods) denim jacket hanging in his closet. he grabbed it, shrugging it onto his shoulders. he found his sunglasses (which were buried in his underwear drawer) and some socks, slipping them onto his feet.

cleaning up ice cream and trying to find my keys.

why are you cleaning up ice cream?


his mind thought of all the things kaylee could've done, since, like himself, she seemed like a very clumsy person.

kaylee... what did you do?

i may have turned on the radio and heard robbers begin to play so i may or may not have dropped the container.

ah, 1975 fan, are we?


same, it's all good.

he heard luke strumming his guitar in the other room, so he left his and walked over.

he found luke sitting on the bed, a look so far way it seemed as if he wasn't even a part of this galaxy.

michael walked over to his younger friend, sitting next to him. luke kept strumming, and michael realized he was playing the chords to i miss you.

he sighed, leaning his head on luke's shoulder. he always liked to hear luke play for some reason, it made him feel good inside.

hey michael.

yeah kaylee?

i saw you on tv today. ;-)

you're an idiot.

you love it.


gaaaaahhh the cuteness i can't.

ps. two more chapters + epilogue guys, stay tuned.

i'm literally writing and finishing this book and it hasn't even been close to a month wth

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