three. - m

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text message

hmm. i don't know. maybe you're just kind of interesting.

kaylee replied. michael pouted a bit; kind of interesting? what was that supposed to mean?

kind of? that's offensive. :-(

i didn't mean it like that.

then what did you mean?

michael bit his lip, not knowing what kay was thinking. was she bored with michael? he hoped not. he certainly admired kay, even if they had only been talking for a few minutes. did she maybe like michael? oh, hell no, michael thought. why would a girl like kay - exactly his type - like someone like himself?

i meant that you seem interesting so far. but you know me and i don't know you. how do i know for sure?

mike licked his lips, understanding where kaylee was coming from. it made sense; after all, he had been the one asking questions so far. technically it was also now kaylee's turn.

good point. so, what are your questions for me?

kay doesn't reply for a few seconds, nor does it seem she has read his text. just as he's about to text her again, the message goes from delivered to read at 12:14 am, three dots appearing in a bubble.

full name, and um.. birthday?

michael smiled a little, beginning to type his answer. he liked the fact that kay was slightly awkward, it made her adorable.

wait what?

michael gordon clifford, born november twentieth, 1995. almost 19 years young, ;-)

kay's reply barely shocked him.

your name sounds familiar... i think i've heard it around school. and cool birthday, it's the same day my first pet (he was a fish named mr. larrycake) died.

um... that's... sad to hear.

don't judge me XD

michael smiled a bit, but groaned and hit the wall when he heard luke fart from the room over. luke, being the little shit he is, simply laughed and farted again, before falling back asleep.

ugh. my mate is being a butthole. he keeps farting in his sleep. :[

aw, poor you. c:

shut up. next question.

favourite colour?

green. it's pretty. i imagine you are too. ;)

*le blush* okay... where do you live? shit, that sounds creepy.

same as you, love, sydney, australia. *explosions because you figured out my secret*

LOL, but whoa, cool. so... uh... favourite pastime(s)?

eating pizza, playing video games, playing my guitar or making music.

are you in a band or something?... sounds like it.


mike didn't want to give away just yet that he was in a worldwide famous band called five seconds of summer. what if she freaked out? nah, he told her his name and birthday. she obviously wasn't a hardcore fan.

what if she told someone? or, worse, gave his number to other people? management would kill him if that happened.

yeah, sorta.

are you popular?

yeah, kinda.

michael was chewing heavily on his left hand's fingernails, worried about what she would ask next. how would kay react if she found out she was talking to 1/4 of fivesauce?

what's your band name?


yeah, i'm evil.

love you. *kiss*

{btw i'm probs going to update either fridays or sundays but i dunno yet}

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