twenpilogue. -k

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text message

hey :-)

kaylee smiled when she saw the text from michael, though it was a confused one; he was sitting right next to her.

hey? :-)

will and marry are coming over for dinner tonight.


kay glanced up at michael, her boyfriend of five lovely - yet very strange - years. why was he telling her this through text?

well, i wanted to know how you wanted us to sit.

"michael?..." she said but he shushed her, his green eyes that she'd fallen in love with focused on the tv, which was showing a commercial for back to school essentials.

um... alright. how about you, me, marry and will?

try again.

now kay was really confused; what was going on? and why the hell was michael smirking while watching an ad for tampons?



this made kay even more frustrated.



she rolled her eyes but smiled at michael's childishness; he hadn't stopped playing this game with her.

how's will, you, marry, me? wait...

she looked up, seeing michael on one knee in front of her, smiling like an idiot with a freaking pizza cupcake they had made earlier topped with a ring.

"well?" he asked and kay couldn't help but laugh; of all ways to propose, of course, michael went with the abnormalest way possible.

"you idiot," she said, taking the ring, which was quite beautiful, off the cupcake and putting it on her ring finger. "yes. obviously, yes."

"whoo!" he cheered, doing a roll on the floor. kay wondered why he rolled.

"shut up and eat this with me," she said with a smile once he returned to his previous pose.

"gladly," he said, and they both bit off the incredibly disgusting - they never said they were good cooks, and especially not bakers - cupcake, big smiles on their faces.

michael leaned in, kissing kay gingerly on the lips, one hand on her waist and the other at the back of her neck. he moved his way towards her ear, and, though kay wasn't surprised, whispered in her ear,

"that's not the only thing we'll be eating today."


idek where to start.

guys, i literally wrote this in a week. a week. and you know what? IM PROUD.

k, now let's cut to the cheese:

1. i am extremely aware of this things weird title, but i didn't want to call it twenty bc that didn't sound right, nor epilogue bc that just sounded wrong.

twenpilogue it was.

2. i'm not sure you know but this entire book is dedicated to my bestie on here, @michaels_fluff. she is a fantastic writer, and an awesome person to talk to. this story literally came alive bc of her.


3. idk if you guys wanted a sad ending or what but nOPE I WAS NOT GOING TO DO THAT

i would've been a wreck if i had.

so yeah, nOPE.

4. Thank you all for being such lovely readers, I did really enjoy writing this. It was fun and silly, you got to watch Kaylee and Michael's relationship grow, honestly it was the most awkward and beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. Thank you for being a part of that. :-)

Farewell, insomniacs. I shall see you sooner than you think. ;-)


((wtd i did not just end this book on 'bye'. what is wrong with me.))

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