Chapter 6

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Luke's P.O.V

I am such a mess. Here I am, with this girl I just met, getting all emotional over my girlfriend, who by the way, MIGHT BE DEAD. I am seriously so messed up. She's going to think I'm a weakling. A pussy. The least I could do is give this poor girl some assurance that I'm not going to get her killed. Some self assurance of that would be pretty nice too. We were walking through the dense forest when I heard a low groaning noise. Then I saw it. Standing there with some glazed, rotten looking liquid cascading down it's shoulders and making a mess on the surface of the dead branches and leaves that covered the ground. Well, step up Hemmings, this is your chance. I grab a sharp,long branch off what must've been a bamboo plant or something, and stab it in the chest. Yes. I stabbed a zombie with a bamboo branch. Are you kidding me. That just made it fucking angry. Alana was watching on, with this look on her face. It was kind of like she wanted me to do something, but she wanted to do something herself. I grabbed the pocketknife from my belt-loop and yes that's a ridiculously dangerous spot for a pocket knife but hey, it's a fold in one, and I stabbed the undead creature in the chest several times, thrusting my shoulder and upper body strength into the thing, until it was lying dead on the ground, only making small twitchy movements, in an attempt to revive it's undead soul from within, but having no hope, it stopped, and I realized what I had just done. Alana looked frightened. But I blinked back tears from the shock (yes, that's what they're from Luke) and slowly walked over to her. She was nearly crying as well. But I'm guessing for different reasons. She truly did look terrified. But was she terrified of me? Terrified of what I've become? I mean, that thing was a monster that wanted to kill us, and I killed it. Does that really make me a monster? If it does, I'll just go fuck mother teresa in the ass.. She looks so sweet and innocent...and scared. She blinked back a few tears but let a few escape, and I felt my cold heart shatter into a million pieces as they rolled down her pale cheeks. I gently wiped them away with my thumb, causing her to blush this deep red colour. Until now, I'd never had a proper chance to admire her eyes. They're so beautiful..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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