Chapter 1

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A Heartbeat.

The one sign of life.
We hear them.

We feel them.

We all have them.
It's what makes us humans.

The moment she was born she felt the breath of life and had trouble to grasp that one breath of life.

A baby

Who was sent immediately towards the emergency room to help her first heartbeat thump.

Many shadows covered her presence.

Everyone waiting for news.

Our impatience made us eager to rush in to hold the new member of the family.

Our fear made us cover our faces so that our tears don't show.

But I . . .

I stared at the pure white floor hoping that my first cousin would make it.

I didn't think that at first.

I was young.

I didn't understand or comprehend what was going on.

But I did know that there was something wrong .

Minutes become hours.

Our need to see her was grown stronger.

Our one priority is to keep her safe.

That's what family is for.

To keep each safe and to help each other.

My heartbeat increased by the minute.

My hands covered my worried face.

My mind placed in void of wonder and question.

My eyes stared at the unforeseen future.

So many questions begin to flood my mind.
What could happen?

What was going on?

Is she okay?

I begin to question the horrific situation that we were put through

In my mind, the voices of surgeons frighten my young mind

I trembled with fear knowing that something was twisted

My heart increased in intensity. Every minute that passed, I heard the noises of newborn child in distress

I don't know why I didn't cry

I couldn't

I saw everyone drown themselves in tears

But I chose to stand strong

I felt alienated

That I couldn't cry made me feel like I'm from another planet

But I was young and didn't understand the dreadful situation that my family was put through

This entire story might sound exaggerated

But this is what I felt

This is what my family felt

It's what Ellie felt.

Her HeartbeatWhere stories live. Discover now