Chapter 2

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We waited

And waited . . .

And waited . . .

And waited.

Even though we all were depressed from the current situation, we were hopeful.

We reassured each other

We comforted each other

As my mind was curious of the situation, I ran towards my parents in distress and asked . . .

"Where is my cousin?"

"I don't know . . ."

That's probably the first time I heard my parents say "I don't know."

When I hear that . . .

I know something is wrong

After more hours of waiting, I hear the screams of minor


A doctor came towards us with a calm face

How are they so calm?

How can I know?

I'm just a child.

They told us that we were able to see her

I walked cautiously and nervously

As I walk in, I see a baby

With all source of wires, cords, and machines attached to her.

She was concealed inside of plastic container

I reached for her

But I couldn't touch her

She is so peaceful

She was calm

Even after the treacherous scream, surgery, and medication

I wanted to hold her, hug her, and reassure that she is with her family now

But the container that separates her from the world stopped me

I felt my heart shake, shatter, tremble, break . . .

I couldn't see her like this

It was hard to even see her

I couldn't bear to put myself in her position

I couldn't bear to imagine how lucky I am that I didn't have to go through this

She is so young

She was just send to the Earth by God above

And this is the first thing she experiences





What a horrible experience for her, her family, and even me

No child should go through this

But the world is cruel, terrifying, disgusting

There are children like Ellie

That don't deserve to go through such pain and sadness

But that's what the world wants us to feel

But I am here

I'm here to protect her

I'm here to love her

And I do love her

I'd give my life up to make sure that she lives the life that's she deserves

And she deserves to be happy

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