Chapter 3

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We all left the room

Leaving Ellie to rest after the intense situation

I sit in the kid's area while watching my two siblings get distracted

I watched my parents contemplate the situation

What just happened?

During that time, I thought of the most horrible question that my mind has ever thought

Will Ellie die?

She can't

I won't allow her to leave this Earth when she was just born

I got to see her for the first time

I even tried to reach her

I tried to hug her

But I couldn't

I don't want her to go

I want to hold her in my trembled arms

I want to give her compassion, happiness, love, and reassurance

I promised myself that I would always be there for her

I promised

But I won't always be there

I wish I can

But I can promise to put a smile on her face

I can promise to bring fun in her life

I can promise to protect her

I promise to be her cousin

I am proud to have a cousin in my life after 10 years of my life have past

It was finally time that we were able to take Ellie home

Home sweet home

I have waited days to see her

But at least she is okay

That's all that matters

It was great to give Ellie her first gift on Earth

Sure it's life, but there another great gift she was given

A loving family's warm embrace

We all held her in our arms knowing that no matter what Ellie goes through, what we all go through, what I go through, we all can stand up and say . . .

"We can do it."

We can make it through anything

One thing I learn from the moment when I heard about Ellie's severe condition is that no matter how hard, stressful, dangerous, or even devastating the situation is . . .

We will stand strong.

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