Chapter 1

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   Its Gotta Be You - Isaiah

"You really need to work on your social skills, Em."

"And you really need to stay out of my life, Michael." I reply to my not so lovely brother as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

"Im just saying Em, you're going to grow up to be an old lady with like 243 cats."

I roll my eyes and walk out of the kitchen, up the stairs to my room. Living with my brother hasn't been the most amazing thing but i've gotten used to the scolding.

He was never really around when everything happened. Then again I don't blame him, if I was in his position I wouldn't stick around long after graduation either.

He always asks how it was when everything was spiraling down the drain but I never have the courage to explain.

Tomorrow is going to be my first day as a Senior and I am beyond excited to get out of the hell hole people call school.
Yes. Even though I still have 176 days left.

Just as I am about to start a Netflix series my phone buzzes.


Hey babes! What are you going to wear tomorrow??? I need to know so we don't accidentally match!

I laugh as I read her text. A few times last year we matched unexpectedly and let's just say we don't want that happening again.


I honestly don't know what i'll wear. Maybe just some jeans with a HP shirt and jacket w// adidas.

Kalia is my best friend. Has been since the 7th grade when she came up and poured milk all over me. Surprisingly we somehow got close after that. She can be really, lets just say, extreme sometimes. But i've still learned to love her like a sister.

Once I am done with 3 episodes of my show, I walk downstairs to see what Mikey is doing. Much to my dismay he's gone.

I go to the kitchen and see a note on the island.

Hey Em,
Went out with some friends to a bar
Wont be home till tomorrow
Have fun being alone, Loser
- Mikey

Why am I not surprised he left? Oh yeah thats right, because this happens all the time.

He knows I am not suppose to be left alone. Especially since the therapists said It can be dangerous. Once again, its Mikey. Of course he isn't going to listen to some therapists.

I sigh and take my phone out of my hoodie pocket.
No calls or messages.

I decide to make myself a sandwich and scroll through instagram while sitting at the island.

Mikey's right. I need some friends.

Ding Dong

Oh great. People. I hate people.

As I am walking towards the door I slip.

Guess on what. Just guess.
A banana peel.
A freaking banana peel.
This isn't a cartoon and I slip on a banana peel.

This day couldn't get any worse. And it wasn't even one of my bad days, just bad things were happening.

I get up and the doorbell goes off again.
"Im coming calm down!" I yell getting annoyed at the person who has the audacity to continue ringing the doorbell.

Then again thats what a doorbell is for right?

I unlock and open the door. Just the mail man thank god.
He has flowers.
A dozen Orange Roses.

Roses that have my name on them with a note.

You have an amazing smile that shines as bright as the stars Emilia Nicole.
      - R.A.

Of course my heart jumps. I actually got flowers. Who would actually spend time out of their day to get me flowers? More importantly why?

I realize I still have to get ready for tomorrow. I put the flowers in a vase and stare. Curiosity all over my mind as I walk away up the stairs.

Kaila still hasn't replied but she's probably busy with getting ready for tomorrow.
She has always been the one to prepare ahead of time and make sure she does things right.

I continue on with my Netflix bingeing, eventually drifting off into a deep sleep.

Waiting for what tomorrow brings.


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Welp. I just wrote one chapter and it sucks I know its my first book and I have a lot planned.
Comment and let me know what you guys think!

As always stay blessed :)
- Alyssa Nicole

As always stay blessed :) - Alyssa Nicole

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