Chapter 2

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Find You - Nick Jonas

7:48 a.m.

Of course. On my first day of school leave it up to me to be late.

I get up as fast as I can. First bell rings as 8:15 and it takes me 20 minutes to get there. I already know today is going to be horrible. Every time I wake up late the day goes by terribly slow and absolutely horrible. Every single time.

My brother of course isn't home yet and I'm not expecting him to be anytime soon. I throw on a black long sleeve shirt that fits a little big, slip off my pajama shorts and put on jeans with holes that are folded up at the end, and lastly a flannel around my waist. I pull my hair out of the bun I fell asleep in last night and my dark brown hair falls into nice beachy waves.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and rush downstairs, grabbing my car keys and slipping on my black adidas.

I own a Jeep. Just so you know and I'm in love with her. Her name is Macy and she is Maroon with black detailing. She is a gem. No one except me drives her, even when my brother begs me to, he doesn't.

I make it to school just on time. Hopping out of my car and walking toward the student entrance, I bump into someone.

More like someones chest.

The smell of cologne hits me and all I feel is a hands on my shoulders as an act to stabilize me. I freak out and run. I hate awkward situations like that. I try my best to stay out of everyones way. As long as they stay out of mine of course. I come to school to get educated and have a little fun also.

I get to First period 4 minutes late. My teacher doesn't mind it since its the first day. There's only one seat and its right in front. I take it and the period goes by just fine.

A few more periods pass, just introduction to the classes and papers that need
to be signed.

Lunch has finally came around. My Favorite Period.

I find Kalia sitting at the table we have sat at every year. A few people scattered on the same table but further down. I walk up and sit next to her.
"Hey babes! How were your first few classes?" You see Kalia has always been an amazing person trust me. She always cares about how I'm feeling and she knows if something is wrong. I honestly don't know if I'm easy to read or if she can read people easily.

"Hey K, its been okay. First few classes were pretty slow, just waiting for the day to end."
I reply as I stab my fork into a grape tomato.

She nods as she eats the rest of her salad. We all know how bad school lunches can be. The only good things at mine was the salad and enchiladas.

And man does a girl love her salads and enchiladas.

Me and K go on to talk about what we're going to do when high school finishes. Lunch comes to an end sadly and we find out we have zero periods together. It doesn't bother us that much since we have never had a period together since freshman year. After that all we've had was lunch.

"Oh hey Em, do you wanna hang out after school today?" Kalia turns around and questions before she leaves.

I smile and instantly it turns into a frown. "I can't today, I have volleyball practice."

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