Chapter 4

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Back To You - Selena Gomez

I mean I have friends. Kalia. And my stuffed animals. That counts right?

I never really liked having a lot a friends. Usually Kalia has always been the only one I need. She was the friend a lot of people wished they had and I felt special knowing she was my best friend.

"So what are you going to wear to the homecoming dance?" K asked.

Oh the homecoming dance. A dance for everyone to experience exactly what prom was going to be like, just a little less fancier. Our homecoming week and football game and dance is in exactly one month. Saying everyone is excited is an understatement and a lie. If everyone was excited then that would include me. Then again I'm not everyone. Everyone else was everyone. Not me.

Society didn't include Emilia Nora Brooks.
An alien mothership somewhere in another galaxy probably did though.

"You know I don't like going to those things Kalia." I reply redundantly. She knows I hate dances of any sort making us fit into societies ways of how we dress up and fix our hair. Its absolutely preposterous. Then again it's not my say and I'm from another galaxy.

"I know, I know Em, but still it would be good for us to go. We could dance our asses off and not give a crap about what anyone thinks." She's trying to persuade me into going. Whenever she does that I know how badly she wants to go.

"I don't know, I'll think about it okay?" I reply just to get her to shut up.

She knows I'm not going to think about it. But she doesn't pry anymore.

We continue eating our lunches in the outskirts of the cafeteria when someone walks to our table.

Said person, sits right next me.
No one. No one ever sits next to me!

I turn my head slowly and see Jesse Adams. I push him as hard as I can and he doesn't budge. I continue and his annoying laugh rings in the area we are sitting in.

"What do you want Jesse?" I ask as I look up and see Ryan sitting next to Kalia.

Ryan is Jesse's best friend since forever. They never leave each others side. Except for when one of them are busy or Maria is around. Which isn't quite often. And guess who has a crush on him? Kalia.

I see K start hyperventilating and I kick her under the table. She jumps and flares at me then I pass her a piece of chocolate I had in my backpack. I keep chocolate to help me when I have anxiety attacks. It brings me right back to reality with a bite of one of those things.

She quickly grabs it and eats it.

"So what were you guys talking about before this handsome man showed up?" Jesse asks, obviously talking about himself in arrogance.

"I know I'm handsome Jess, but not in-front of the ladies man that's not cool." Ryan re acts to Jesse's comment.

Kalia and I start laughing while Jesse gives both of us glares. We don't care and continue laughing.

I look at the Apple Watch on my wrist and check the time. Shit.

I'm late.

"Well guys I gotta go." I reply to everyone as I stand up. Kalia looks at me and her eyes go wide. She doesn't want to be left alone but I give her the look as if she knows why I need to leave. She looks at me sorrowfully and nods.

I walk away as quick as I can before Jesse or Ryan can question why. Only Kalia knows and I know she wouldn't tell a soul. Living or Dead.


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