The Recovery

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The next day mark was alone in the hub trying to clean up when Wilford Warfstache came in.
“Hello Mark… word has spread about your weakness”
Mark interupes angrily yet still sort of upset that he knew about darkiplier
“ I am not weak, and i never have been “
“How because the power of friendship makes you strong… ya as if you are weak you are stupid and even in the game you are the best at you still needed saving because of your stupid choices. You will never be good enou…”
Suddenly Warfstach disappeared
“Mark how are the repairs going “ Blue said as she suddenly teleported into the main hub
“You alright there buddy you look like you’ve seen a ghost or maybe wilford scared you again with his spoopy powers”
Mark knew Blue was kidding but he was still a bit shaken up by it. “Nah just cleaning like the majestic markimoo powers” Mark stopped talking and went to the armory to clean.
The whole hub looked empty so blue went to look around she went almost everywhere and there was no sign of people the last stop was the file room. Blue walked in to see googleiplier “Hi googleiplier!!!”
“kill all hummans grrrr beep beep shuting down tudratudratu...neeeep neeep neeep “
“Ok i'll take it your not up for a chat then “
Blue walked out of the room as if nothing happened ‘that was an experience to remember ‘ Blue thought to herself.
Blue walked back into the hub as she was walking to the far wall of the hub she heard
The voosh of the teleporter and then
“BOO!!!!!!” Peach screamed
Jade yelled in her worst irish accent Blue ever heard.
“Is Mark ok” Purple whispered hoping to get a good answer
Blue begin to talk
“Mark is ok…”
Everyone had a sigh of relief in the thought he was ok
Blue continued
“But, lately he has been acting strange… like earlier i came in and he jumped and i made a joke about wilford and he shuddered i think somethings wrong.”
Mark jumps out of the room “ are you talking about me(Mark goes insane and started to blaber on) why are you talking about me omg did you see Wilford Warfstache what did he say tell me tell me Everyone jumps back they had never seen Mark go this insane over something. They knew they had to somehow calm him down and yet still get answers about Wilford Warfstache… but how they wondered. Then Jade had an idea “what if we go memory hunting”
“We go what hunting “ Peach interrupted
“memory… it is when you sit down and remember sometimes it calms people down so much they blurt out there deepest darkest secrets. Maybe we can figure out why mark is so paranoid.”
Everybody finally understands what Jade is saying
“IS SOMEONE TALKING ABOUT ME” Mark yelled from the shop
“does anybody know how he can hear us” Blue whispered
“I HEARD THAT” screamed Mark

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