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A/N Sorry to be writing a triggering story... I know that It may be harmful to myself but I'd like to share a real life story with you all... :) Please if you guys have the thoughts of self harm or anything else, please talk to me... I'll always be there :) this is not a continuation of 'we do love you'...

Here goes...



Niall slid down onto the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. He held the razor tightly as if his life depended in it. screams and yells begging him to come out were left ignored.

" NIALL! I BEG YOU! WE BEG YOU! PLEASE DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID AND CONE OUT !! Please..." his bandmates shouted. Upon hearing the words, Niall only shook his head furiously. he slid the blade across his small, pale wrists. Crimson red blood started oozing out from the wound.

"NIALL!" Liam shouted once again. Afraid that they all were too late to save their precious bandmate. But, by then, Niall's arms were already littered with thousands of angry red lines. Niall just sat there and stared at his bloodied arm, cringing a little as he looked at the bloodied mess.

Niall felt disgusted... disgusted of everything, especially himself. Niall slid the blade across his bloodied wrist once more and dug the blade deeper into the damaged skin. He was very sure that e reached a vein as his vision was starting to blur. he could feel himself leaving. Leaving the pain, the sadness, everything.

His eyes started to close slowly. Just then, the door was kicked open by Zayn. Everyone's eyes widened as they they watched the scene unfold in front of them. Louis was the first one to come to his senses, rushing to Niall yelling for the boys to call for an ambulance.

Louis crouched down to his baby's unconscious body, bracing himself for the weight he was about to take into his arms. He wanted to bring Niall to the living room so it'll be easier for the paramedics to bring him out without and problems.

Louis almost toppled over as the weight he had braced himself for isn't as he had expected. He frowned as the boy he had in his arms was so light, as if he hasn't eaten for years. he held onto Niall tightly and speed-walked to the living room. Trying to avoid any big movements that'll harm the boy.

The ambulance came after a few minutes. Niall was rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. The boys followed the nurses but was stopped before they get the chance to step into the ER.

Liam had called Paul and the rest. Explaining to them the situation and they needed to be here immediately. Harry just say there, with his head in his hands, sobbing silently. Zayn approached him and gave him a light pat on the shoulder.

Liam, on the other hand, was engulfing a bawling Louis into a bear like hug. They all needed comfort, but they have to stay strong for the sake of Niall.

Paul ran to the hospital as soon as he could, pushing aside all his works so he could be at Niall's side... At One direction'S side. they are like a son to him. He asked the nurse for Niall Horan, but got escorted to the waiting room instead.

Paul ran up to Liam, hugging him tightly as Liam broke down. Soothes and Hugs were given until the doctor came out with a solemn face.

The boys.. and Paul .. looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes, awaiting for the good news to come, but their heart shattered to pieces when the doctor shook his head and mumbled an 'I'm sorry'.

Everyone broke down right there. The day where the blonde member of One direction left. It was raining with thunders heard and Lightning seem. They all stood around the body of their best friend, whispering their last words for him, and kissed him with a good bye.

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