Bullied! Hoseok 3

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Hoseok didn't expect to be in someones lap, getting beg kimchi and wearing someone else's clothes.


Didn't expect that.

But it's happening!

Hoseok was sitting on Namjoons lap, Jin feeding him Kimchi. He felt small.....and by the loving look Jin was giving him, he guessed he could tell.

Hoseok blushed when Jun wiped a single grain of rice of the side of his mouth. "Your so cute, you know that?" Yoongi mumbled, running his through Hoseoks hair. Hoseok shook his head. "My dad says I'm ugly." Hoseok mumbled, shifting slightly in Namjoons hold.

"Well you not. You have a cute little face and your adorable and you have a great personality."

"We just met him Hyung."

"Shush Kookie."


Hoseok giggled, smiling a smile that he hasn't used in years.
"Oh my God you have a heart smile! Awwww your so adorable!" Jin cooed over him, making his blush.

"You need sleep." Taehyung said after seeing him yawn. Hoseok shook his head. Taehyung nodded with the same face as his and stood,scooping him into his arms.

Hoseok whined, putting his face into Taehyungs shoulder and yawning again.

"Taehyung your gonna be a great father." Jimin said.

"I'm gay."

"You can adopt a child and be a great father to him or her." Jimin refrased his sentence, laughing when Taehyung gave him a blank look.

Hoseok closed his eyes, his fluffy hair falling over his eyes.

"Sleep. We have school tomorrow." Taehyung said softly, setting the poor boy down. He was about to cover him with a blanket when he noticed scratches and bruises and........ hickeys?

Taehyung covered his mouth.

"This is why he squirmed so much. He was ore and we kept- oh God!" Taehyung walked out of the room, running into Jins arms.

"TaeTae what's wrong?!" Jin asked hurriedly.

"He was raped Hyung!" Taehyung cried out.
"W-what? How do you know?" Namjoon asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"H-he had really dark hickeys...a-and you know when we would carry him? And put p-pressure on his bum?"

They nodded.

"He was uncomfortable. We were putting pressure on a sore part of his body. A-and when I was carrying him i-i felt something moist through his pants." Taehyung explained, trying not to cry.

"Oh my- I'm gonna kill whoever did this to him!" Yoongi stood. "We have to clean him out.' he began walking to The bathroom

"Yoongi-Hyung I don't think he is okay with is touching there.".

"You keep him calm. Jimin get a large bowl of water, Namjoon grab some towels, and Taehyung wake him up and get him new underwear and pants." Yoongi ordered. Everyone went their separate ways to get what they were told.

Jin and Jungkook woke up Hoseok, telling his Gently that they were going to clean him.
"W-what do you mean?" Hoseok asked soflty.

"Your dirty in you bum. Someone touched you and we are going to clean you." Jungkook said gently. Hoseok looked at then with scared expression, shaking his head.

But he was soon held down, a finger in his bum.

"Don't cry. We are helping. Soon you'll be nice and clean." Jin comforted. Hoseok nodded, giving up on fighting back, and hid his face in Jungkooks chest.

"Towel.". Yoongi was passed a hand towel. He wet it with water and began cleaning around his hole, making sure to get all of the dried Semen.

"Okay, Hoseokie, stay calm and relax your body." Yoongi said gently.
Hoseok slowly relaxed, lifting his head slightly bto see what he was going to do.

"Yoongi-Hyung he's bloated." Namjoon pointed out.
"Shoot he is. This might hurt baby. Stay calm." Yoongi put a hand on Hoseoks stomach, pushing down gently only to get a scream.

Hoseok cried into Jungkooks arm.

Yoongi winced before pushing down again, earning a choked moan and sob.

Yoongi stared in horror at all the semen that came out of him.

"Whoever did this are sick."  Yoongi wiped up the semen, throwing the towel into a trash bin.

Yoongi continued to do the same thing until nothing came out.

Yoongi wiped him down with a clean down and kissed his forehead.

He dressed him and covered him with a blanket.

Hoseok fell asleep, tears staining his cheeks. Yoongi sighed sadly, running a hand through his hair.

"He's so innocent. Why would anyone do that to such a small child." Jungkook said sadly, tears gathering in his eyes.

"I don't know. But when we find the people who did this, I will personally stab them in front of the cops if I had to." Taehyung said darkly.

"We should all head to bed. We will take him to school and watch over him. He is staying with us." Yoongi said.

"But we all don't live here.,x

"My parents are never home. I swear they have a house in New Zealand." Yoongi said.

"Okay. We will take the guest rooms. Goodnight Yoongi"


Yoongi cuddled Hoseok that night, not letting him go.

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