Chapter 2 - A Kinda Rough Day

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By the time Stephan made it to the cafe for his daily afternoon cup and ritualistic hate fest the next day, he'd all but convinced himself the writing on the bottom of the cup was merely a figment of his exhausted imagination, conjured up by his inability to convince his libido that Minh was not on the list of "People That Would Actually Want to Be With Stephan." (Actually, nobody was on that list but Minh was definitely not on that list while the rest of the world was simply casually not on that list.) And if the brunette had stared intently at his own eyes for hours in a mirror last night, it was completely unrelated. Not that he had. He hadn't! Well, not for long anyway... Just a little bit!

Stephan went up to the cash register as normally as he would any other day, receiving the usual death glare that seemed to be conjured straight from the fiery pits of hell and threw his own spiteful scowl back with as much malice as he could muster with as low energy levels as he had - It must not have been much as an obtrusive yawn cut straight through his hate filled stare-off.

Minh lost his eyebrow heavy snarl for the briefest of moments, Stephan thought, but the look was set firmly back in place a moment later, so the brunette readily accepted that he'd imagined that too. After all, spending all that extra time not staring at his eyes in a mirror had really set his schedule back last night and he had an important test coming up in Anatomy that Friday, so the brunette had spent the better portion of the twilight hours studying Anatomy until dawn - And not in the way that he would like to use the phrase. With hot baristas, That same annoying part of Stephan's mind that always seemed to think Asshole = Potential Love Interest suggested helpfully, particularly loud and obnoxious today as the brunette lacked the energy required to reign it in at the moment.

"What the hell do you want?" Minh huffed gruffly, glowering his usual daggers into the exhausted boy, who was barely able to refrain from groaning in response. See, Minh knew what the fuck Stephan wanted as it was the exact same thing the brunette had been ordering since day one but that never stopped the boy from asking every, single, goddamned day. Stephan was relatively sure the barista just reaped a spiteful satisfaction from making the brunette relay the wordy order that legitimately sounded much more like the kid was reciting a poem rather than ordering a drink.

"A blowjob or a bullet to the brain, I haven't decided yet." Stephan sighed tiredly, the words stretched around a wide yawn before he snapped his mouth shut once more, his exhausted mind finally getting its ass outta bed and catching up with his unobedient mouth. He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't have enough energy to hold back the wild beast that was his dirty mind.

It almost sounded like Minh choked on his own spit, the guy making a strangled sort of sound, but he quickly covered it with a curt cough so maybe Stephan was truly lower on sleep than he'd imagined. "I'll gladly give you the latter option." The barista growled roughly, rolling his eyes back so far Stephan was honestly surprised they didn't fall out of the dude's head as the boy leaned against the counter, bracing himself with one arm on the sleek surface.

"Damn." Stephan snorted dryly, solely because he truly had no filter when he was sleepy, nor could he muster up the energy to regret his loose tongue's devious, obviously delirious ramblings, even when Minh spluttered angrily as his face burned a brilliant shade of scarlet - He must've really pissed the boy off this time to achieve that shade, a totally new color outshining all the previous pink twinges of rage Stephan had painted across the barista's face before.

Stephan ignored this, pausing to rub one eye in a vain attempt to remove the haze of sleep from his clouded orbs as another yawn forced its way passed his lips. All the tired action succeeded in doing, however, was clarifying Stephan's view of the way the veins in Minh's arm bulged when the guy braced himself with the muscled limb, the sight doing absolutely ungodly things to the brunette's stomach, twisting it into horrendous knots and ruining it for life in fact. (You want him to ruin your guts, that oh, so helpful voice sniped.) Stephan swallowed thickly and tried to avert his eyes but some witchcraft was obviously at play for the brunette found himself unable to break his gaze away from the tense muscles. Damn.

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