Chapter 5

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"Thank you," I choked out trying my best not to cry in joy.


The lady and I walked out of CVS and began leaving the parking lot.

"Where did you need to go again?" She asks.


She nods and leads me to my destination. The dog from before jogs to us and starts walking next to me.

"Is that your dog?"

"Uh. Yeah,"

"He's cute. What's his name?"

Name. Name. Think of a name.


That's the only thing that popped into my head at the moment.

"That's cute," She laughs.

We pass the Waffle House and the Ice Cream place.

I'm almost there.

'America I'm coming.' I smile at myself.

"What's your name?" The lady asks.

"Yuriko," I shyly say and look down at the sidewalk.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Feliciana,"


I look at her.

She has a smile across her face. Her curly light brown hair was tied back into a ponytail, some dangled down at the side of her head. Her eyes are honey colored and bright.

She looks strong.

She wore the usual CVS uniform. A red apron type thing. I could see she was wearing a black tie under the apron.

Since she was wearing shorts I could see her knee had a bandaid.

"That's what you call a battle wound,"

I tilt my head in confusion.

"I got this baby when Alice and I went at it," She proudly told me.


She looked ahead and sighed.

We got to the Walmart parking lot.

"I can go from here. You should go back to work," I tell Feliciana once I remember she had a job.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"It's right there and I've been such a burden,"

"No you haven't. Don't say that and besides I promised someone you'd get there safely,"


"Oh. Nothing never mind. So your good now?"


"Okay, but be careful,"

She pets Alfred.

"Thank you Feliciana,"

"No problem Yuriko," She ruffles my hair and starts walking away.


"Chao~" I hear her say sweetly.

We began walking away from each other and I got thinking.

Who would ask her to bring me here safely?

I pass parked cars. Why is this parking lot so big?

I look at the dog.

It's really skinny.

I think I might have to buy it food, but what kind would it like?

I reach the doors and take a step forward. The door slides open. I see Alfred trying to follow me inside.

"No Alfie. You can't go inside,"

I hear him whimper. He goes to sit next to a bench. I feel bad for him now. This won't take long though.

I begin walking past the doors that are inside the building.

I have officially entered Walmart and I can hear Alfred barking. He must really be hungry.

I have to remember to get him something.

I walk past the shopping carts and notice something I hate.

The McDonalds is closed. Ugh.

Now I have to go to the one outside of Walmart.

"I'm glad you got here safely,"

A voice says from behind me.

I turn to see something else I hate.

The man.

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