Chapter 1: No love just turf

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Eliza POV

My alarm clock rang as I woke up from my slumber. Pfff just kidding I could barely get to sleep yesterday because today-

"Rise and shine sweetie. You're a squid kid now!" My mom blurred out loudly entering my room. I sat up as my parents started to sing happy birthday to me. My Mom is holding a small cake made just for me as mommy held my two baby sisters Lizzy and Elly who were eyeing the cake hungrily.

Yup you heard me right, my little sisters. Lizzy and Elly are twins because they hatched the same day. They both have my parents ink color yellow and turquoise tips but they also got mommy's emerald eye color and moms Wereinkling spiky hair but not as much as she has.

"Ewwii!!" My two mischievous sisters yell as they came and hugged me wishing me a happy birthday. I hugged them both back as I thanked them. Giggling they flopped up and down on my bed. I love my sisters but they're a handful when you're not with them. I'm surprised that some of their kindergartener teachers haven't quit while watching them, even Tsubaki doesn't like babysitting them all the time.

"Come on Eliza blow out your candles and make a wish." Mommy said taking me from my thoughts. I blew my candles out and mom let me cut the cake and I gave my first slice to my two sisters who broke it up in twos and they thanked me and began to munch on it. Then mommy handed me 3 gifts , one square, a long box and a circular box.

I opened the circular one first and it was a box full of clothes and crusty Sean's tickets. "These will help you out when you want to get better gear once you get the hang of things." Mom says as I smile and thanked her.

Then I opened the long one which was a black and neon green charger, I looked up at my parents to see who it's from. "Oh that's from me to, since I retired from Ranked." Mommy said. She quit a while back but she still do some for fun when she has time, she even lets me watch her practice. I wanted to be like be like my mom and mommy. They were one of the best duo teams ever in their teen years. Mommy would snipe opponents with her charger while mom was guarding her with her luna blaster and splatted anyone daring to reach her. Fans loved the both of them and they got the nickname beauty and the beast which I found was cute and romantic. I wish I could have that kind of dynamic with someone too, but for now it's no love just turf wars!

I opened the last one and it was a new squidphone X. I jumped up and thanked both my parents over and over. "Thank you, thank you so much!! I love it all!" I said smiling broadly.

"Yes since you're gonna be turfing from now on your uncle wanted you to get the best phone out there before he left on his business trip." Mom explained to me. For those who don't know uncle Jason is the Manager of Off the Hook and he gets Marina and Pearl gigs and sponsorships to preform, so he's always running in and out to help them.

"Now go get ready to leave,we don't want to miss your first turf wars." Mom said and everyone got out of my room.

I got up and ran to my bathroom. I did all my hygiene stuff a got out fast. Mom even said that she wish I would get ready that fast when I was going to school to which I laughed at her. I put on the required gear for first timers; the basic tee, cream and bandanna and my weapon of choice was the Splattershot jr.

"Ok I'm ready!"


Arriving at the Inkopolis Square we all headed to the Battle tower. It was small on the outside but inside it was huge filled with different rooms like the Rank arena, league hall and the pb dome. I gulped seeing the Tuf war lobby. "I'm so nervous. What if I don't do well?" I said looking at my family.

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