Chapter 3: You can't Turn off instincts

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Lizer's POV

After finishing getting dressed I made my way down stairs fast. It was almost 8 o clock and we had to get going now.
"Alright I'm ready!" I said getting the car keys.

"Took you long enough." Said Ella as she kissed our little girls goodbye. "Be good girls and thank you again Tsubaki for watching them."

"N-no p-problem Misses Von Reef"

"I'll text you how boring the party will be Tsu chan." I hear Eliza muttered to Tsubaki making her giggle.
We made out way to the garage and entered our black fancy sports car. Since I had the money I bought it for important business uses and looking presentable that was the few times I drove it for. Ella loves it and calls it her baby which I find very funny.

"Hello again beautiful." Ella sighs out while hugging the car. Eliza laughs while I roll my eyes at my wife's sillymess.
"Ok honey let's go before we're late." I said getting in and both my girls get in as well.

Eliza's POV

In half an hours time we made it to an a very extravagant house or I should say mansion. After mom gave the keys to the valley she proceeded to link arms with mommy and I walked in front of them.

"Lizer, remember to watch what you say to these squids and please keep the growling to a minimum." Mommy said from behind me.Mom muttered a "Yes Dear." And we proceeded to enter mansion.
I gotta say this place looked amazing. The marble walls were beautiful. The greeting hall was adorn with crystal chandeliers and a very nice looking dark red carpet.

"Last name please"a dark blue inkling male said as we approached the what seems where the ballroom area.

"Von Reef." Mom says from behind me.

He looked on his SquidPad and nodded his head for us to proceed. We walked in and I admire the room filled with Art and brick colored marble giving the house a nice classical style. Beautiful even.

"Well if it isn't the low star family!" Someone said from behind us. We all turned and saw a sky blue sharply dressed inkling male walking up to us with smirk on his face.

Mom huffed." How nice to see you again Ludi." She says giving her own.
He glared at her."It's Ludicreed to you!" He said then turned his attention to my mommy. "Ella it's always a pleasure to see you again." The squid named Ludi greeted holding my mommys hand and kissing it. I could see mom tensing up a bit but did nothing.

"Hello Ludicreed, nice to see you too." Mommy greeted back retreating her hand. "How is Lucy doing?" She inquired.

He smiled at the thought of his mate I believe. "She doing fine. She's around here somewhere or still arranging things with the staff." He said looking around hoping to spot her, but no luck. He glanced fell to moms arm linked around mommy for a bit. "I see your still parading around with this cheater huh?" He accused.

I raised an eyebrow at that. Woah woah. My parents are not cheaters! Who does he think he is!

Mom sighs." You are still on that Ludicreed. The officials all said-"

He cut her off." I don't care what the officials said! They're a bunch of old fools who couldn't see what I saw!" Mom shook her head.

"Ludicreed I don't how many times I have to say it but Lizer would never cheat." Mommy defended mom.

He let out an empty laugh."Defending your mate like always huh!? Why am I not surprised." He said to mommy crossing his arms.

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