Chapter 6: A Whoo night

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Pov Lizer

"Haaaah!" I groan into my pillow. After dinner I bathed the twins and put them to bed.

"Stop moping around honey." I hear Ella from the bathroom.

" I can't help it. I keep worrying about Eliza." I say rolling on my back and staring at the ceiling. "This day has not been good" I muttered.

"Have you called your brother about the place for her?" She ask walking out of the bathroom.

"Yes I call him every morning about it, he said it's gonna take another week to finish the renovations of the apartment. Now if only my impatient daughter would be...well be patient!" I grumbled out.

"You know she would be much more patient if you just tell her about it instead of it being a surprise or your secret way of coddling her here, Lizer." Ella Says giving me a disapproving look.

I gave her a shy smile. Man I can't hide anything from this squid.

"Lizer we visit our parents as often as we can and they do the same, why do you still feel like Eliza won't?" She ask sitting next to me.

"I don't know." I say putting my arms over my eyes. I feel Ella removing them making me stare at her.

"No, Lizer. You need to explain to me." She says softly.

I sighed for the hundredth time today."It's because I have this nagging feeling that she'll disappear." I explain and Ella gave me a confused look.

"Disappear, how so?" She pushed while caressing my spot, making me purr.

"Like that time when you were dragging me out of the Dome," I say and I felt her flinch.

Yes that time when I was on the brink of death in my barely conscious mind I saw what I thought was Tanly at the time walking further into the crumbling Dome. I told Ella this to get her opinion on it but we never figured out why I saw what I saw so we chalked it up to just me 'seeing things'.

"Its giving me that helpless feeling I had back then, being unable to move, yell or reach him, back then. And now with everything that's happened its stressing me, making me wonder if I had done enough to prepare Eliza for anything that life might throw at her...just-"

I was stopped by Ella her expression made feel guilty and regret. I knew I should've kept my mouth shut."I'm sorry for bringing back that time, I know it upsets you." I say sitting up and hugging her.

She hugs me back." It's ok, it made me understand why you are being so cautious or paranoid with Eliza." She says kissing me and it sparks me like it always does with this squid.

"Ella." I say warningly as she pushed and straddles me on the bed.

"Shush this is a little punishment for bringing that up" she says giving me a sly smile.

"It's not a punishment if I enjoy it you know?" I say with a raised brow as she is removing my pajama shirt.

"True," she hums out while doing something with my hands.

" Which is why I'm tieing your arms to the bed." She said and finishing doing exactly that. I wasn't bothered by this because we've done this before but I always end up breaking whatever Ella ties my hands with and I her told that.

She smiles triumphantly," I know which is why I used your favorite shirt right now." She said which made me pale.

"Wwait, what!" I looked up and it was one of my favorite limited edition splatfest tees from previous splatfests!!" Can we not used one of my favorite shirts please?" I asked hopefully with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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