Chapter 1

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It was a rainy day at the castle, the storm had been going on since last night, Celaena Dorian and Chaol were bored out of their minds. You would think that since Dorian was the prince, Chaol the captain of the guard and Celaena the kings Champion, they would have something to do.. but today was one of those days were everything had come to a halt.

Celaena Dorian and Chaol were in the training room - the king had sent them there after they ruined his conference dinner, they had been discussing the slavery in Adarlan. A lord said that they needed to be more slaves in Adarlan because he didn't have enough workers for a project he was working on. Celaena had angrily snapped back, Chaol and Dorian had agreed with her until she called the lord a rich greedy scumbag. They had been thrown out shrortly after that.

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Dorians POV

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"How about chess?" Chaol suggested, Celaena stubbornly shook her head "Thats for old people", Her head rested against the door, she looked like an angel, her hair hung loosely around her shoulders, her face was slightly flushed from the wine. Dorian sighed, they still needed something to do, he could hear the soft boom of the music coming from the ballroom, he gasped and jumped up suddenly having an idea "Do you guys know how to dance?" he smirked before turning on his heels and left the room. Their confused faces were priceless.

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Celaenas POV

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When Dorian returned with a weird looking box with buttons on it and a few metal looking discs she was confused and curious. He held up the weird box and said "This is called a stereo and these" - he said while holding the discs "are called CD's, I found them laying around in my fathers office, when I asked him what they were he said they were a gift from a far away land."

"So why did you bring them?" said Chaol "And what do they do?" Asked Celaena

Dorian paused.

"Wait, did I just find something that the legendary Celaena Sardothien doesn't know about?!" said Dorian with a grin

"The legendary Chaol doesn't know about it either" said Chaol rolling his eyes,

"I'll tell you but give me a minute to apreciate how awesome this moment is." He said looking into the distance.

"Are you going to tell us or are you just going to stand there like a freaking moron." Celaena said impatiently

Dorian sighed.

"Oh fine, People use this to play music, they put the CD's in the stereo and press this button with a triangle on it - like this, see?" A catchy tuneblasted out of the stereo box they all froze and were shocked that it actually worked, then they listened carefully to the lyrics and Chaol started to slowly turn as pale as snow, for the song said: "Oh oh oh it's magic, you knooow never believe it's not soooo.. " Celaena was suprised this tune still existed since magic was banned from the kingdom long ago and was non-existant since then. But who knows, maybe this was the Kings jam? They all scrambeled as fast as they could to the stereo and quickly turned it off. They took a second to breathe and Chaol was the first to speak

"Dorian if your father knew about this he could have us all thrown into the dungeon."

"Its just a song, but still we'll be more careful from now on." answered Dorian

"Actually I bet Chaol is just saying that because he knows he'd get his ass kicked in dancing." said Celaena with a grin

"I could totally kick your ass and Celaena knows it" Dorian said purposely walking towards the stereo. He scooped up the CD's and carefully examined the back of each one, he picked up a very colorful one and placed it in the stereo.

"No magic?" asked Chaol

"That's the last thing you should be worrying about" Answered Dorian with a grin.

- Sautisa & WolfFaerie

/Keep your eyeballs peeled for chapter two!/

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