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*** Celaena’s POV ***

It had been a few days since the now dubbed ‘Awkward Dance Competition’ took place. Celaena had only now just remembered one tiny detail she had forgotten in the excitement. What did that word that Dorian had said mean?

 This had bothered her all morning and for the best part of the afternoon. Nothing could distract her. NOTHING.

 And Dorian was nowhere to be found which was irritating to say the least. He seemed to always be there except for when you actually needed him.

*** Narrator’s POV (hey did ya miss me ;))***

 All the castle staff were terrified of Celaena when she was normal. Just think how they felt with a royally pissed off assassin roaming the castle!

 Barely any servants were seen wandering the castle that day unless they had a death wish.


*** Celaena’s POV ***

After hours of searching she had finally found Dorian. She had stormed up to him, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall leaving him on the brink of having a heart attack.

 “what the heck Celaena?! What did I do? I swear whatever it was I didn’t mean to upset you!!” He held up him hands in the universal gesture for ‘I surrender’.

 “You didnt tell me what the word meant!!” She yelled in his face completely ignoring the guards who had by now pointed all their available weapons at her.

 “Get off His Royal Highness or we’ll be forced to take extreme measures!” A guard who was bold enough to speak against the king’s champion ordered her. But she again paid him no heed.

 “Hang on…What?” Dorian was over being scared and now wore a puzzled expression on his face. This infuriated her more. How dare he forget when she had been stressing over this all day?

 “That word, remember! The one you said you would tell me later? From that dance competition? I think this classifies as later you now!” By the end she was nearly throttling Dorian.

 “Okay! Okay! Just stop before my guards kill you!” –Celaena stopped, barely “Let me think…” Dorian’s facial expression changed several times as wracked his brain for the ‘word’. His face lit up when he finally remembered.

 “Oh now I remember! That’s what you were worked up about Celaena?” He said shaking his head with a sigh before his trademark grin came back, “Let’s talk about this somewhere else shall we?”

 “At ease! There is no threat.” This was addressed to the guards who were still pointing sharp objects at them. The guards slowly lowered their weapons still cautious. They had just seen her nearly strangle the Crown Prince after all.

 Dorian guided her towards his quarters where they could have relative privacy to talk about the ‘word’.

The Awkward Dance Competition (Throne of glass fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora