Chapter 3

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(A/N As always hope you enjoy! Leave a comment telling us what should happen next! Bye.)

* * *Chaol’s POV* * *

 It just got serious. Chaol wasn’t completely clueless as his friends initially thought. When he was young and still lived with his father, he had gone to his father’s study to ask about his schoolwork. When he neared the study he had heard strange music drifting from the slightly opened door and had quickly taken a peek. That day he had discovered a new type of dancing he had never seen or heard of before and let’s say he picked up a few things from his father’s exotic dancer…

 Back to the present.

                                                                       * * * Celaena’s POV * * *

 She had no idea how to describe what he was doing only that it included a lot of hip swaying, shoulder shimmying ( A/N is this the correct word?!? This is harder than you think!) and could only be described as him having sex with his clothes on while standing up by himself. She had some trouble admitting it but she wasn’t going to lie. It was hot. The look on his face told her he was enjoying himself…maybe a little too much.

 Celaena heard Dorian cough and say something that sounded like “Twerking”. He must have seen her puzzled expression because he mouthed “I’ll explain later”. Celaena looked back at Chaol only to find he was staring at her as if waiting for this moment. He looked directly at her and winked. She had never seen this side of Chaol… It was like another person had taken his place, she had not expected a stiff captain of the guard to move this well. What had happened to the boring old guard that had pushed her to do her training rain or shine. She liked this new change. 

 She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed that Chaol had started making his way towards her and was now dancing right in front of her. He had a wicked grin on his face and started dancing around her making some very…suggestive moves towards her.

 Dorian was standing against the wall with a look of absolute shock on his face, but jealousy was also plain to see on his face. He looked like he would give anything to be where Chaol was right now. Or Celeanas place, with Dorian you never knew.

                                                                    * * * Chaol’s POV * * *

 Chaol thoroughly enjoyed the look of embarrassment on Celaena’s face, her face was a delightful shade of red. He held out his hand, inviting her to dance with him. Celaena looked very tempted. She reached out for his hand but before anything could happen the song came abruptly to an end and she yanked back her hand.

Dorian approached them and cleared his throat and said “It’s your turn now Celaena."

 (End of Chapter)

 A/N Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed our Celaena x Chaol scene. Tell us what you think of Chaol’s dancing ;) Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. As always we had a lot of fun making this!

 Until the next Chapter,

 WolfFaerie and Sautisa


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