Chapter 2

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( A/N Hey guys thanks for reading I hope you enjoy reading this as I really enjoy making it, Be sure to tell me if you like it in the comments! I shall be updating regularly during the summer if all goes to plan! )

As soon as the dance off began she knew she was going to enjoy this. A lot. Dorian's pick was a song by the name of "I'm sexy and I know it." 

When you see a prince you expect him to waltz and dance to classical music in ballrooms. This was nothing like that. She could feel the blush rising to her cheeks. But she wasn't the only one, she could see Chaol standing awkwardly in the corner looking uncomfortable and was just as scarlet as she was. 

                                                                       * * * Dorian's POV * * *

Dorian could tell by the look in Celaena's eyes that she was enjoying this just as much as he was. He loved this type of music - it was different and exciting. Before he knew it the song was over and Celaena was clapping sarcastically. But Dorian could still see the blush on her face. "Do you have any coins?" She asked Chaol. "You couldn't afford me my dear. Stand up Chaol It's your turn." Said the prince. Chaol was staring daggers at Dorian and if looks could kill, Dorian would be dead "Ha, you wish!" Said Chaol.

"Oh come on Chaol, if you dance I'll do it too!" said Celaena.

He took a second to consider it, sighed and then said "Fine but this better be worth it." Chaol stood up awkwardly and as slowly as he possibly could - made his way to the middle."Oh nooo I don't have a song..or any idea how to use this thing! So I guess I can't dance..." said Chaol as he quickly started to make his way to the edge of the room. "Oh no you don't!" Said Dorian while he grabbed chaol by the collar and dragged him back to the middle of the room. "You stay there."- he said with a smirk "i've got the perfect song for you."

                                                                   * * * Celaena's POV * * *

Chaol scowled and reluctantly stayed in the center of the room. With an amused look, Dorian flicked through the pile of CD's. Finally, with a triumphant grin, Dorian held up a purple and black striped CD with white block letters. Dorian hid the CD from Chaol's view but sneakily showed it to Celaena. When she saw the title she couldnt help but burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Chaol asked curiosly "You'll see.." Dorian said, barely able to contain his chuckles. Dorian pressed the button with the triangle on it, the music blared out and at first it sounded good enough, even enjoyable. But then the lyrics came.

                                                                   * * * Chaol's POV * * *

Chaol suddenly understood why Dorian looked so pleased with himself and why Celaena was laughing. "You know what to do with that big fat butt... Wiggle wiggle wiggle..." Chaol stood awkwardly in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Dorian suddenly shouted "Come on Chaol do something!" He sighed, a deal was a deal. He started swaying to the beat, hoping it would be enough. He was sorely mistaken. "Even Fleetfoot could do better than you!" Celaena said in a mocking tone. That did it. He was not about to be compared to a dog or even put to shame by Dorian even if he was the crown prince.

- WolfFaerie & Sautisa 

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