Chapter 4

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(QUICK A/N: Um.. so as you can tell we are lacking Dorian POV’s and Dorian in general…you see it just that Sautisa and I favour Chaol…and all things Chaol x Celaena! Also we do NOT own the Throne of Glass, Bad Romance or any other songs used in this fanfiction.)

* * * Dorian’s POV * * *

Dorian was jealous. Definitely jealous.

Why did Chaol get to have all the fun? Never mind. He would fix that next time.

Celaena walked with her usual flare up to the stereo. She had a look at the CDs before holding one up, mumbling “This is perfect.”

Celaena stood looking at the stereo with a puzzled expression on her face. It was his time to shine.

“Need help with that?” He said while ambling towards Celaena and peering over her shoulder. She turned to look at him. She was giving him the ‘how dare you ask’ face.

“What? I was just asking, sweetheart.” Celaena was not amused by Dorian’s latest pet name for her.

“Just go over there and die Your Majesty.” Celaena said with mock respect. Calling him by his title and not by his name added salt to the wound created by the initial insult. Dorian clutched his heart in pretend agony. “Why do you hurt me so…” – Dorian was by this time collapsing to the floor “Sweetheart” he said in a cheerful voice before giving Celaena a playful wink then running away from a very irritated assassin.

*** Chaol’s POV ***

Chaol, meanwhile, had walked over to the CD Celaena had dropped. He ignored his two friends who continued their ‘game’ in the background. The CD that Celaena had chosen was coloured with a lustrous red and black, swirling pattern. The title stated that the CD was called ‘Bad Romance’. (A/N: Thank you Violet for the suggestion!)

Chaol inwardly smirked. If the title was anything to go by, Chaol was thinking that they would be seeing a new side of Celaena when it was her turn.

*** Celaena’s POV ***

Celaena was really tempted to murder Dorian right then and there. She knew she couldn’t, not if she wanted to stay away from the salt mines at Endover. But man it was tempting. Dorian was very fast and kept dodging her attempts to tackle him to the ground. He only annoyed her more by taunting her with comments like: ‘Out of practise are we Celaena?’ or ‘Awww sweetheart! I didn’t know you wanted to tackle me so badly!’

His laugh really got on her nerves. Especially how it was so loud, arrogant, deep, smooth, dreamy…

Yep, Celaena definitely thought she had lost it. While she had been lost in thought, Dorian had abruptly stopped unable to go any further.

*** Dorian’s POV ***

Dorian had run out of floor. Without realising it, he had unintentionally ran into the corner of the room. All of a sudden he felt someone run full speed into his back.

“Ooff!” The breath was knocked out of his lungs.

Celaena and Dorian were sprawled on the floor. Dorian heard Celaena speak from on top of him. “Oooww…” She groaned. Her breath tickled his neck and he shivered.

“Ack!” – She had finally realised why her landing had been so soft “I’m sorry Dorian! Are you okay?”

This was probably the first time he had heard an apology from Celaena. Directed at him as well. He felt her weight leave his back and he sat up. He looked over at her while replying, “I’m fine! You aren’t heavy Celaena. More importantly are you okay?” The weight thing was a slight lie but not a big one.

Dorian studied her face worriedly. She looked fine except for the mortified blush that showed she was embarrassed. “Yeah I-I’m fine.” She mumbled looking away. Celaena was really cute when she was blushing so hard!

*** Celaena’s POV ***

Why did she find it so hard to look at Dorian after the…’incident’? She glanced at him again. She noticed a barely noticeable dusting of pink across his cheeks. Why was this awkward? It had only been an accident, nothing more.

Chaol interrupted her thoughts. “Hey! Celaena it’s your turn, get up off the floor!” Was it just her or did Chaol sound slightly annoyed?

Celaena noticed a hand held out to her. Looking up, she saw the owner was Dorian. She grabbed his hand which he used to pull her up. She muttered her thanks before quickly jogging to the centre of the room where the stereo was.

Dorian walked leisurely after her. On his way he pried the CD from Chaol’s hand. He then got the stereo ready. “3, 2, 1…Start!”

Music blasted out of the box. Celaena felt for the rhythm and began to sway her hips, head down. She began to flow with the music moving with sensual grace.

The lyrics for the chorus went like this:


Caught in a bad romance


Caught in a bad romance




Want your bad romance’

At this point, Celaena was throwing in all kinds of moves that showed how flexible she was. She was pleased to see that Chaol and Dorian were staring at her open mouthed.

As her confidence grew, Celaena tried increasingly daring moves that left the boys red-faced and breathing shallow. She pranced over to them and linked her arms around Dorian’s. She danced in circles with him; one minute far apart the next only a breath away. He could barely keep up for all his boasting.

*** Dorian’s POV ***

Celaena’s skilful dancing had left him breathless. She was so light on her feet that she was almost flying. She made him feel like he was too.

Celaena had just pulled him into a close spin when the song stopped suddenly. Their faces were inches away. Nothing between them. They stayed like that for an eternity, not knowing how to pass off the awkward position.

Chaol cleared his throat somewhere to the left. “Um…are you going to stay like that or are we going to decide the winner already?”

Celaena broke eye contact first. She laughed nervously, threading her hand through her hair as she backed away. Dorian clearly saw how crimson her face was. He never knew that Celaena could blush that brightly.

*** Celaena’s POV ***

Why is he staring? She thought to herself. Dorian had been looking at her intensely for the past five minutes. He suddenly shook his head, as if to wake himself, and looked away.

“I personally think that Celaena wins.” Chaol stated.

Dorian seemed to think for a minute before saying, “You know what? For once I agree with you.”

They both looked to her, eager to see who out of the two of them had caught her eye. “Hmmm…” She hummed quietly to herself. She scrutinised them as she walked around Dorian and then Chaol. “I have decided.” She announced.

The boys crossed their fingers behind their backs where she couldn’t see. “You…both win!” She exclaimed mischievously, knowing they wouldn’t like that one bit.

Dorian and Chaol glared at her. “That’s not fair!” They said simultaneously. She laughed at them. The dejected looks on their faces were so funny!

Before they could say anything she grabbed them and pulled them to the centre of the room once more. “Let’s just say it’s a draw so we don’t argue, okay?” Celaena offered, still smiling.

They reluctantly nodded. “Now for the victory dance!” Celaena proclaimed. She picked a random CD and handed it to Dorian. He got the stereo working again.

‘Gas pedal, Gas pedal…’ (A/N: The song is Gas Pedal by Sage The Gemini. I didn’t put more lyrics cause they are kind of naughty ;) )They all laughed at the lyrics and started dancing together for fun.

*** Chaol’s POV ***

Chaol had changed his opinion about this new type of dance. If it meant having this much fun then he didn’t mind it so much. He also very much enjoyed Celaena’s performance. Though it would have been better if she hadn’t gone to Dorian half way through.

We must all look like lunatics he thought. Though he couldn’t find it in him to care.

They all jumped when a cough came from the doorway. We froze. Why did someone come now of all times?

The person who had caught us dancing, was one of the guards. Chaol glared at him though the effect was spoiled by the humiliated blush on his cheeks. The guard looked very amused. He was so fired.

Dorian turned the music off so we were left with silence.

The guard broke the quiet. “I just came to tell you that his Majesty, the king would like an audience with you three in his private study.” The guard reported. He was still smiling.

“Anything else?” Dorian asked. He was the only one to recover some scraps of his dignity.

“No that is all Your Highness.” The guard bowed and turned to go. Just before he was about to leave he turned to Celaena, “Oh by the way, those were some damn fine dance moves miss!” He had the cheek to wink at the end. He then wisely left without another word. That man was going as soon as he was packed.

*** Narrator’s POV (first time for everything!)***

The prince, the captain and the champion were told off severely by the king when they had gone to visit him. But no lasting punishments were given as the other Lords were not offended by their outburst.

The guard who had caught them when they were dancing was never again seen in the castle, or the kingdom for that matter. Someone mentioned that he was seeing a psychiatrist because of trauma.

We shall leave our story here at the end of another rainy day at the Glass Castle.


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed our story! This is, unfortunately, the end. *sad face* But don’t worry! More fanfics are on the horizon…*looking at the horizon**seeing many fanfics*

Tell us what you think (review) and do give us tips on how to improve! Thanks for reading!

WolfFaerie and Sautisa


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