Chapter 4 Dust Motes and Demons

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Day 4

Tomorrow will be my last day in London and I am starting to feel so sad. I have no illusions and I know that the odds of Benedict keeping in touch with me are about as likely as the Queen stopping by for tea. Still I do get to play a dead body on Sherlock, so that’s something, right? I sighed and got ready for my long walk to the set. I was just a little ways from my hotel, when a motorcycle pulled up to the curb beside me. It was Benedict; he didn’t say a word, as he held out a helmet for me. I smiled, grabbed the helmet, hopped on the back of the bike, and then we were off. I know I’ve mentioned this before, however, dear reader I cannot stress enough how comforting it is to ride on a motorcycle with your arms around the waist of someone you care about. For me the danger of the ride was counteracted by the close proximity of a person I felt safe with. Well, all too soon we were on the set. Benedict went one way and I as dashed off to wardrobe and makeup.

Now up until this time I had not given much thought about what I would be wearing, or rather not wearing. I cleared my throat nervously and asked the wardrobe lady if I had to be naked under the sheet in St’ Bart’s morgue. “Not unless you want to be,” she acerbically replied. I would like to say that it took hours to blot out my gorgeous Southern California tan with cover up. However, I am so fish belly white that the makeup guy raised an eyebrow and commented. “Are you sure you’re from Southern California?”

I nodded and thought I would try to be clever by giving a glib answer.  “Yes, my agent doesn’t want my skin to be sun damaged before my Victoria Secret Swimsuit layout.” My snort laugh was the only sound in the room. The makeup guy just stared at me until I -fell silent. I then laughed nervously. “Um well it’s a joke.”

The makeup guy flared his nostrils, as if some noxious odor had filled the room. “I see, shall we begin, now?”

I laugh. “Hey, that was like Kahn in the last Star Trek movie.”  I scrunch up my face into scary bad guy mode and say, “Shall we begin?” I let my voice trail off. I felt like the lamest person on the planet. I sighed and nodded for the makeup guy to proceed. It seemed like hours later before I was led onto the set. I kept a sheet wrapped around me, as I crawled up on the slab in St. Bart’s morgue, for there was no way Benedict was seeing me in a two piece strapless bikini. I mean my body isn’t horrible, but it’s not A list either, so I thought I’d play it safe and keep covered. It was cold as I lay on the slab waiting for the scene to be set. As I laid there shivering, a terrible thought came to me. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and took a look under the sheet to make sure that the end of my small boobs, weren’t, well you know head lighting.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Benedict’s rich voice behind me. “Is everything alright Charlotte, nothing missing I hope. Would you like me to take a look?”

My face turned so red and I was so nervous that I stuttered. “Well, I was just making sure that the cold hadn’t given me, umm, you know, chill bumps.”

Benedict looked down at me and I was surprised that he was blushing. “Oh, of course, everything seems fine to me.” He said as he briefly looked at my chest.

I think we were both relieved when the director yelled, “Places everyone.”

Scene at St. Bart’s

Molly gently pulled the sheet back to reveal the dead body underneath.

Sherlock walked around the body a few times then began to make observations. “The bruising around the throat suggests that the victim was strangled, however, I don’t think that’s what killed her.”

John looked down at the woman before him. It looked like she had been strangled; however, Sherlock must have seen something to make him think otherwise. John carefully looked at the body again, and then he noticed that the victim’s left hand had strange puncture marks at the end of the fingertips. John held up the hand for further inspection. “Molly, have you done a toxicology panel on the victim?” John asked.

Benedict Cumberbatch and the Nerd [Benedict Cumberbatch one shot]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant