Please...I really need advice...

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Okay none of you want to see this at the beginning of a chapter but I'm putting it because I need your amazing advice. And I'm already working on the next chapter so don't worry about it ;) 

Scenario: One of my friends (Let's just call her Alice idk) Alice used to  go onto mc a lot with me when we were both smaller. Since we both have nothing better to do we will go on still and do random stuff. (Mostly help other people build who need help)

And for the past few years I blew this off but now it is really ticking me off. She will say something like 'i need to go eat, call you back in like 20 minutes' and then never call back or text me about it. I started getting upset but I would never tell her about it to her face or anything like that.

But she admitted to another friend that she would say that just to not go on anymore. I would understand if she didn't want to and she could have told me. BUT SHE KEEPS ME WAITING FOR HOURS!

Recently we will start helping someone and she will leave. It isn't only rude to me and rude not to tell me, but that person we help wanted her to help build. She totally disregarded  my feelings and the other persons for her own selfish thoughts.

What the actual FUCK should I do!? I want to tell her off but last time I said something she ran to her 'mommy' and got her mom to call my house AT 11 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT WTF!? Please I need help ;-;

Today at 5:00 I went on with her. She later told me that she had to go shower, And since I already knew where this was going I asked how long it would take. 

"Ahh only like 10 minutes" I agreed and she got off at 5:21

RIGHT NOW IT IS 7:09 AND SHE HAS YET TO TALK TO ME! What I want to text is the following:

I am done with this bull Alice, whenever we go on you always ditch me. Now if I leave I'll do it when we are done helping or we finish a game. But you leave at random times and it pisses me off.

I have always overlooked this but you just wont stop with it! You can't even deny this shit because you openly said that 'I need to eat' was just an excuse to leave.

What in the hell are you gaining by getting off for no reason and not telling anyone about it. I get that you have animations but you are valuing those more than friendship-

Hell! I'd be more than happy to just get a text or be on call with you while you animate I wouldn't care. But NO you don't do anything like that.

Then you bother me to watch your videos and tell you how I felt about it. I'm not going to tell one of my FRIENDS I didn't like it or it wasn't good.

But now that the word 'FRIENDS' doesn't apply to you I guess next time I'll tell you all about what I don't like with your drawings. Sorry to say this but you need a reality check, your friends aren't always going to overlook something when you make a mistake over and over again.

I'm tired of waiting until YOU feel like going on only for YOU to decide when to 'take a break' AND NEVER CALL BACK.

And I already know you are going to come in with the 'I forgot' skit so let's just skip over that nonsense. And I also realize that since I moved you have all the opportunity in the world to start lying about me and saying rude things to our friends.

I would just like you to know that I have already spoken to some of them about this and they fully agree with how you are acting. I would tell you to stop this but I have already multiple times such as reminding you to call/ text when you can't go on anymore.

I don't want to be someone you can talk to when your simply bored sorry.



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