Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Rose I am 23 years old and I am a true Logangster and I love the Logang. I have a huge crush on Logan. Now this is the best story of my life here we go!
I was siting in my couch being lazy binge watching Riverdale and I heard a noise and paused the show. I got my lazy butt up and went to go see where I heard the noise. I went to my bedroom and......Holy crap! There's a bird going crazy flaying around my bedroom! It must be lost! Poor thing! Then I notice that the bird looks actually like Maverick. I look at the birds leg and saw the expensive bracelet that Logan put on Maverick. I then get a notification and it's from Logan Paul Vlogs: WE LOST MAVERICK!!!
I gasped and DM Logan on Twitter and said I think I have Maverick. I close my bedroom window quickly and call Maverick he flys to me and sits on my shoulder I gently pet his head. He chirps and I giggle. He's so cute! I get an old birdcage and get some bird food and water and get newspapers and put it in the old bird cage. I put Maverick in the cage and locked  it. I take pics of Maverick and texted my friends what happened. I then get a notification it's Logan! Logan responded saying Omg Thank you so much!!! How did you find him?!
I responded saying oh I was watching tv and I heard a noise and went into my bedroom and saw Maverick.
Logan responds saying Oh Okay sometimes that bird can be crazy! Is he okay?
I respond Yeah he's good I put him in a old bird cage I found and gave him food and water and put some newspapers on the cage.
Logan respond Good! So your on the Logang?
I respond yes!!! I'm a big fan! But I'm not crazy and everything I mean I'm a yeaahhh......
Logan responded Haha! So where do you live? I know that sounded creepy lol!
I respond lol well I live in a apartment and I love in room 173 in apartments birch wood
Logan responds um..... that's where I used to live.......
I respond OMG! I knew it looked like your old place! It doesn't have the rope around the thingy and the tempiture is fixed!
Logan responds That's good! Oh it isn't awww......well can I come over and get Maverick?
I respond OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Oops....uh yeah what time?
Logan responds  4:30
I respond it's 3:56 oh okay see ya bye
Logan responds bye!

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