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Z A R E Y A__________

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"I'm not trying to bother you, mom. I just really need to go to New York right now. And if you could pitch in, I would be more than happy," I hold my breath for an anxious moment, as I face my mom in the kitchen. I needed more money to be able to go to New York on my own.

She places her hand on my shoulder, and gives me a soft smile, "I'll help you. Only because I know how much this means to you. Even if it's the craziest idea you've ever come up with. But I know you're a smart girl. And I know Leighton is a cute little dude," she coughs, before grabbing her wallet off the counter, "I'll give you as much as you need."

I sigh in relief, peeking over her shoulder into her wallet, "Its all on a card though. So if I give it to you, promise me you'll be responsible." This didn't even sound like my mother. She'd never be this nice and give me her card. I nod my head, and she hands me a rainbow card, "When do you plan on leaving?"

"The soonest flight I can get," I say, "But won't you need your card?"

"I have some cash," she yawns, "Love you."

And just like that, she took her bottle of whiskey into her bedroom. And locked the door behind her. I wasn't surprised... and my younger brother was left alone once again, playing video games, and probably sneaking off with his rotten friends.

Although I was distracted by my same old depressing, family ways. I run up the stairs, to my room. And quickly book a flight to New York for tomorrow. "Delta Airlines, flight tomorrow at 7:30 A.M," I smile to myself and read the bright computer screen, "Perfect."

Apart of me wanted to call my only friend Marisa, and tell her about my success today. So that's exactly what I did. I picked up my flip phone and dialed her particularly easy number. "Z! I'm so glad you called, I was just about to myself," she says happily.

"Guess what?" I squeal, "I got a flight to New York at 7:30 tomorrow! Gosh, I'm so nervous... what if he's not actually there?"

"He'll be there if you believe it, hun. I'm so glad you get this opportunity."

"Me too," I smile.

"Make sure to call me when you get there, I want to make sure you'll be okay."

"I will! Love you M!" I couldn't stop beaming at the thought of seeing Lake and his dashing brown eyes. I hang up the phone and plop down on my bed. Looking up at the smooth ceiling. I still was worried about him not actually being real. What if I get lost, and become stuck in New York? That couldn't happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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