1 - Walking Infection

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The rain was pouring heavily, just as what the weather forecast announced last night. You woke up to the loud tapping of the rain against your glass window, groaning as you groggily made your way out of the bed to close your window curtain, the sound lessening just a tad bit. You crawled back to your bed in an attempt to sleep again, however you miserably failed.

"Jungkook-ah!" you called out from inside, checking if your brother was still inside the house while still wrapped in your blankets after your sleeping attempt.

"What?" his faint voice yelled back from another room, and you knitted your eyebrows as you got out of your bed and walked outside your room, approaching Jungkook's room to see him still clothed in his home clothes as he played with his PS4.

"Hey!" you barked at him, taking off your fluffy slippers and hitting him on the upside of his head, making him try to block your attacks with one arm as he continued playing with the other. "Aren't you supposed to be at work? You're going to be late!

"Aren't you supposed to be at work? You're going to be late!" he mimicked your words in a high-pitched voice, making you hit him on the shoulder with the fluffy pink slipper in annoyance. Jungkook's face scrunched up in pain and he attempted to wave you away, only failing as you slapped his hand. "Noona," he whined. "Let me play in peace!"

"No, Kook!" you insisted, scowling down at your younger brother. "You are going to be late if you don't start showering and dressing up for your work, so get your ass up and move before I whoop you with this flip flop."

"Gee, fine! I'm moving, I'm moving!" he groaned, faking to stand up when you slipped on your flip flops again, only to go back to playing once you were at the door.

"Jungkook!" you glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff.

"Alright fine!" he turned off the playstation, unplugged it from the electric socket before grabbing his towel and heading inside the bathroom as you continued to watch him, making sure he was showering before you left and went to the kitchen downstairs.

Both of your parents were currently out of town for business purposes and your older brother lived at your grandparent's house. So you and Jungkook ended up taking in charge of the house.

Or mostly you in charge since Jungkook always worked at the hospital during weekdays.

You sat down at the edge of the long dining table and picked up an apple from the fruit basket, rubbing it against your pajama before taking a bite. One of the maids walked in the kitchen while holding a dusting brush, her eyebrows raising at the sight of you.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked, placing down the duster on the counter and removing her cleaning mask.

"Nothing, thank you." you answered, continuing to eat the apple.

"Did Kookie leave yet?" she asked, fixing her gray hair, then took a glass and a water pitcher before she drank.

"Not yet," you rolled your eyes as she mumbled an 'as expected' in agreement. "You know Jungkook, he's a tardy boy." You hopped off the table to see Jungkook finally wearing casual clothes, his doctor coat hanging at one arm as the other one struggled with his briefcase. He looked at you, narrowing his eyes.

"I heard you, Noona," he said, pointing his finger at you using the arm that had the doctor coat hanging on it.

"No, you didn't." you replied innocently as he made his way to the kitchen.

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