4 - You Just Killed Casper

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Two weeks have passed and you were still stuck inside in the hospital because Jungkook insisted you stay until you've fully recovered. So far, you were finally able to walk unlike last time, when you had to be stuck on your bed, unable to move.

Yoongi introduced you to a physical therapist he knew, who taught you how to walk on your own. The first few attempts were hard, you remember sitting down at the floor in tears in defeat as you mumbled, "I can't do this, I can't walk," while Yoongi crouched beside you, holding you to his chest and giving you words of encouragement.

"Don't give up, Y/N. Trust yourself, you'll be able to walk."

Then after a few weeks of consistent meetings and physical therapy sessions, you were finally able to walk, but only with crutches. Balancing is hard, but Yoongi would always be there to guide and help you.

Back to the present, you looked over at your passed out cousin on the couch from the bed, softly laughing at the sight. Yoongi's head was resting on the arm rest, his mouth partly open and quietly snoring with his hand clutching on his phone above his chest. He looked so peaceful, you can't help but break into a little smile.

You carefully swung your legs to the edge of the bed and stood up, dragging the IV on wheels and taking one of the books Jungkook left on your bedside table with you as you walked over to Yoongi, contemplating whether to wake him up.

The male never really liked to be woken up whenever he was asleep. The results would be Yoongi cursing at you, yelling profanities, or even chasing you in anger.

You never really got chasen by Yoongi, however Jungkook already experienced it.

Laughing, you watched in amusement as Jungkook darted behind the kitchen counters, with Yoongi hot on his tail as he held up his slipper in fury. You were only teenagers back then, Jungkook was 14, you were 16, while Yoongi was a grumpy 18.

"Hyung! Hyung, I'm sorry!"

Yoongi threatened to climb up the counter, making Jungkook cower and dash to the side, leaving the counter and hiding behind you as Yoongi trudged towards your direction, aiming his slipper at Jungkook.

"No, come here, Kook." Yoongi barked, like a predator threatening its prey. "What did I say about waking me up?"

"B-But eomma told me to wake you up!" Jungkook defended, still clutching behind you as he retreated. "What was I supposed to do, disobey her?"

"You could have woke me up gently!" Yoongi seethed, now taking slow steps forward as Jungkook backtracked, dragging you with him.

"But you wouldn't wake up after ten attempts!" Jungkook reasoned, yelling back next to your ear as you flinched at te loud sound, slapping his forehead.

"That doesn't give you enough of an excuse to slap me in the face!"

"Guys, guys stop!" You intervened between the bickering like a mother scolding her kids. "Dear angry Yoongi, it wasn't Jungkook's fault that you sleep like a corpse. However, Kook, you shouldn't have slapped him the face." you frowned before whispering in his ear, "you should've gone for the butt instead."

Jungkook bursted into laughter, momentarily forgetting the trouble he was in as Yoongi eyed the both of you, fire dancing in his eyes. "What?"

"Nothing," you recomposed yourself, coughing fakely as Jungkook snorted from behind. "Now, please stop fighting. Yoongi-oppa, just go to eomma already. And you, Jungkook, go back to your room and think about your actions. . ." you said, before whispering to Jungkook, ". . .of not going for his butt instead of the face."

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