The experts

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Christine p.o.v
"So the plan is that..... hmmm I actually have not thought of a plan yet... wow I sometimes can be dumb." I said. Jenna snorted and said "awwww Christine you are not dumb....but we don't have a plan so we need to go the experts!" I faked gasp and said "not the experts!" Jenna plays along "yes the experts, Chloe and Brooke!" Christine responded "nooooooooooooooo"
Jenna p.o.v
I whisper to Christine " this is how to get Chloe to come to you." I shouted "BROOKE LOHST SUCKS AND IS TERRIBLE!!!" In seconds Chloe showed up and looked like she had red eyes of anger, and shouted "who is the b*tch that said that about Brooke, because I will find you and kill you!" Christine looked so scared, I gave her a hug, Christine was shaking. I don't think Christine is okay. I ask "Christine are you ok?" She shakes her head. I stop hugging her and I go up to Chloe, and I say " chloe I need you to get here fast and I know that is the only way to do, also can please stop scaring Christine." Chloe responds " it was you... how dare, you know how much I love Brooke you should not mess with me and that okay, JENNA!" She slaps me. Oml that hurt so bad but I cannot cry in front of Christine she needs to know she is ok. I say "Chloe I am sorry, but can you stop screaming and scaring Christine!" Chloe looked up and it seemed she has gone back to normal and says "yeah of course!" I walk back to Christine and she bear hugs me and she says "are you okay, are you hurt do you need medical help!" I smiled and said "no I am ok." I did not know that Christine cared so much for me Christine kissed my cheek to make it feel better, I really could of died right then and there but I didn't. I then said " now to get Brooke, Chloe can you do that." Chloe responded " yep sure" she then went to text Brooke I think... whatever she texted Brooke, she got her in a matter of seconds, and then asked Chloe "was that fast enough?" Chloe said "yes it was babe."
I am back, I am not dead, so yay! I am getting out of school soon and I am so ready for summer, so I can write all the time, I am just going say Christine and Jenna was so real in this chapter, let me know should I explain the real reason Christine was shaking at Chloe.... really let me know and I will

My feeling are fatal  (boyf riends)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ