Chapter 1.

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Keith and his friend sped through the hall to escape the guards. Lourea was lucky that they didn't know who she was. Otherwise her cover as a elite strategist for Zarkon would have been blown. Eventually they lost the group and hid in the dark corner of a wall dividing two hallways.

Keith: How are we supposed to get them off our tails?

Lourea looked at him with her bright emerald eyes.

Lourea: Off of your tail, we'll have to set up a distraction so they don't go after you...

Lourea paused, thinking over her options.

Lourea: I got it, we have to make them think that I'm you, we just need to to trick them long enough for you to get the information and get out of here... let's trade armor.

Keith's eyes widened at the idea.

Keith: What? What if the team thinks I'm one of the guards?

Lourea shook her head.

Lourea: If I make it out I can explain the situation to them. Besides, even if I don't they'll listen to you, they are your friends right? I think it's about time they found out anyhow...

Keith hesitated but nodded. It shouldn't matter that he was part Galra... they were his friends...! They wouldn't care, they'd still support him like their teammate!... Right...?

Keith looked back at Lourea, snapping out of his daze.

Keith: You know the guards can see you through the visor right? You'll give yourself away too easily, we should think of something else.

Lourea rolled her eyes at him, like he had the IQ of a goldfish.

Lourea: Did you seriously forget?

Lourea pressed a button on her wristband and quickly scanned Keith's face, then she used the same scan on herself and looked like Keith, though her eyes were the same green color. Her left eye also had that same blood spot towards the corner facing her nose, indicating her immunity/being a carrier. Keith face palmed at himself for forgetting, the Blade of Marmora really was lucky to have that kind of advanced technology. Then he looked at her again.

Keith: Doesn't that wear off in an hour?

Lourea: You'll be gone before it wears off. C'mon, we need to trade armor, quick. I know it's not ideal, but this is the best idea I've got!

Keith sighed in defeat and took his helmet off, letting purple fur engulf his face.

Keith: Wait, what about my bayard? They'll know you're an imposter if you don't have it.

Lourea looked at him again. And then looked down to think of something.

Lourea: Uh, hang on, you brought your blade right?

Keith immediately took it out and held it out for her.

Keith: Yeah... I take it everywhere, you know this...

Lourea: Cool, I'll take your bayard, and you'll use that blade to fight. Then we'll meet up later and trade armor again, deal?

Keith nodded, trying to ignore the ways that plan could go wrong.

Lourea: Okay, hand me your bayard.
Keith ran into a room with a large screen on it. The screen held a plan for an ambush. The information on it could help Voltron find a time where Zarkon is vulnerable! It could even help them predict their battle tactics so they know how to win even more battles!

Keith recodnized the importance of the information and looked at it closely so he remembered all of the data and assets.

When he heard Lance firing in the corridor, he quickly hid but Lance accidentally shot the screen when he ran in, it shut off, Keith almost growled in annoyance, but kept quiet so Lance wouldn't hear. Lance carefully scanned around the room, Keith's heart was racing.

While Lourea brought up a good point of the team needing to know of his heritage eventually. The experience now wasn't any less heart stopping and tense. Keith had a strong feeling that Lance wouldn't recognize him, and would shoot him immediately without even trying to register his face.

But eventually he heard Lance sigh and walk out of the room. Keith stayed in the room until he was sure Lance was gone before stepping out and running the opposite direction. He really hoped he would still have that information.

—Hunk: I hear someone down that hallway!

Keith: "Damn it!"

Keith ran and hid again in a different room.
Lourea kept running from the guards chasing her, she ran into another divider as a pain shot through her body, or rather through her veins, but she knew what it was, so she wasn't bothered.

She was however worried about the other guards getting infected, it was very contagious and could be transmitted through the blood and saliva of an individual.

But if they notice her different eye color than Keith's, they could do a blood test, and they'll find the virus in her blood, as well as the different DNA. She eventually she ran into another room, as a throbbing headache took over.

Lourea forgot how the scan copy triggers massive painful waves that circulate through her whole body. Kinda like a seizure but pain only.

Suddenly a gasp left her already parted lips.

She looked down, to see her own blood dripping into the floor.

And to see the edge of a blade through her chest.

She let out another squeak as she felt the guard quickly remove the sword from her chest.

As the guard left the room. Lourea dropped to the floor.

The last thing she saw, was Keith's blurry figure running in, upset and panicked.

She couldn't say anything to her friend, as she fell limp.

Endless amounts of Galran blood leaking out of her body as she just laid there.




Pidge and the others ran into the room only to see someone in Keith's armor who looked just like Keith dead on the floor, with a Galra sitting on his knees, crying beside the corpse. Pidge screamed, Hunk started to cry, and Lance looked like he wasn't able to fully process what was happening. The team immediately lashed out and attacked to Galra, he looked up sat them with the most shocked and hurt expression you could imagine with his ears down. He didn't fight back, he just looked like he wanted to cry. Well, cry more.

Lance: Really? You kill our friend and you're the one who's sad?

Before the Galra could speak Lance hit him over the head with the handle of his gun.

Shiro: Let's get him back to the castle for interrogation. Hunk, can you get Keith's body...?

Hunk nodded and picked Lourea up.

They tied him up and dragged him onto the ship.

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