Chapter 8.

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The Next Day
Lance helped sneak Keith into Blue without being noticed.

Keith: You really think this will work?

Lance nodded, hugging Keith close and leaning over to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Lance: Yes. And even if they recognize you as the Galra we captured, they'll still know you as a Blade soldier. They were already worried about that before.

Keith sighed. There didn't seem to be many issues with the plan. And he couldn't think of a way it would end with them finding out that he was actually Keith as well.

After all that, the last thing Keith wanted was to put any of his former teammates through the heartache that came from realizing that they allowed the torture of their own friend. Even though Lance was somewhat convinced that they deserved it. Himself included.

Keith: Okay. I'll actually need to talk to Kolivan so it's at least a legitimate alliance. He'll probably want me to be a real member before I come back as well.

Lance looked down.

Lance: How long do you think it'll take for you to be considered a real member?

Keith shrugged.

Keith: As long as it takes in terms of training. I'd like it if you went with me so it doesn't look one-sided.

Lance nodded.

Lance: Alright. We should probably head out before Allura has a chance to launch an emergency drill again.

Keith laughed.

The trip to the Blade of Marmora base primarily consisted of the pair planning out the different possible routes. As well as Lance continually expressing how much he would miss him.

When they did arrive, it didn't take much explaining for Kolivan to understand the plan. And the reasoning behind it being so elaborate.

Kolivan: So, I am assuming that Keith will be training with us until he is considered a legitimate member?

Keith nodded.

Keith: As long as it doesn't pose an issue for you, sir. Yes.

Kolivan smiled.

Kolivan: It won't, however, depending on possible circumstances, there will be a couple potential setbacks for you and your team from you being a Blade member. Though this alliance will be ultimately beneficial for both sides.

Keith and Lance looked between one another and then back at Kolivan.

Keith: What kind of setbacks, sir?

Kolivan spoke up, explaining what likely should have been self-explanatory information to the two younger soldiers.

Kolivan: Primarily those possible liabilities or annoyances will involve training. Though not in the way you likely expect. You will be considered a full member, and you will be able to do your training with the rest of Voltron. Part of the training process relies on experienced members training the students. If we don't have enough at any point, we may turn to you for assistance. If you are willing to accept those terms.

Keith nodded immediately. Lance having a slight suspicion of Keith liking the idea of being with the Blade more, I'd not just for the comfort of being in a place he wouldn't be treated differently in.

Keith: I accept. If we are to become allies the least we could do is help one another in those areas.

Kolivan smiled and nodded.

Kolivan: Alright, then. Firstly, if you are going to be using a fake identity, what will your alias be?

Keith knew what his first name would be, and what he wanted his last name to be. Knowing his parents had a different surname than him.

Keith: Um, what was my mom's last name, sir?

Kolivan: Her last name was Akira.

Keith replied as confidently as he could.

Keith: I'd like to be called Yorak Akira then, if that's alright?

Kolivan's eyes widened slightly as he likely recognized why Keith asked that question. Before nodding with a warm smile.

Kolivan: Of course that's alright. In that case, I already know who I could pair you up with for training. Her name is Krolia. And I'm sure once I introduce you, she'll gladly help.

Keith smiled gratefully as Kolivan called for Krolia to go to the main area. Where her eyes widened a bit seeing Keith.

She was a couple feet taller than Keith, also a Marmoran Galra with tiger-like stripes on the outer sides of her neck and face. As far as they could see, anyway. Her hair was short, mostly, with he exception of a small bit in the back. And was a dark purple on the top layer, and a lighter, almost pink shade on the tips.

Keith leaned over and whispered something to Lance.

Keith: That's mullet, Lance.

Lance: So's you're hair.

Krolia quickly regained her composure and focused back on Kolivan.

Krolia: Yes, sir?

Kolivan quickly replied, understanding why she looked out of it.

Kolivan: Well, there was an incident with Voltron, and the Red Paladin would like to assist in an alliance between the Blade and Voltron. By becoming a member and re-joining the team. I called you here because I thought you would be best suited to be the one to train him. His alias is going to be Yorak Akira.

Krolia seemed to almost lose her composure again, but she recovered before many of those around them could notice. Once again, Kolivan understood why.

Krolia: I will gladly train him, sir.

Kolivan smiled.

Kolivan: Alright, it seems that everything is in order. We'll have a meeting with Voltron after Yorak is initiated as a member, and offer him as a paladin.

Lance raised his hand.

Lance: Actually, how long does the training process usually take?

Kolivan shrugged. Krolia spoke up again.

Krolia: It usually depends on the one training. For an average student, it will take about three months in earth's time. Based on Yorak's experience in already being a paladin, I doubt training will take longer than a few weeks.

Kolivan: Well, I think we should get the plan going soon, especially since you wouldn't want your teammates to get suspicious of your absence.

Lance nodded, and hugged Keith.

Lance: Could you call once and a while to check up? I'll miss you.

Keith hugged back.

Keith: I will, I'll miss you too.

The pair pulled away, Lance and Keith said their goodbyes before Lance went back to the castle alone.

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