Black Knights Escape

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(September 15th, 2017 a.t.b/ 1962 C.E)

Location: Inquisition Prison

The Black Knights are all in cells due to them shooting the wrong people but some of the Black Knights want to escape the prison, notably Zero and some of the hardcore members of the Black Knights. Most of the newer Black Knight members were thinking to join the Inquisition i.e the Japanese branch lead by General Katase

Zero: Well we have been stuck here for around a couple of days now

Ohgi: If we clarify the information nothing of this would ever happen

Tamaki: We are stuck here until we break out

???: Well look what the cat dragged in

The Black Knights turned to look at the origins of the voice and their eyes widen, because they knew this this person is the leader of the Inquisition but they also looked behind of the leader is two soldiers with different uniforms from the Inquisition 

???: Welcome to prison, I am High Inquisitorial Commander Andrew B. Williams and I am pretty sure that you know where we come from

Zero: (in thought) Can it be?

Andrew: Are you Zero? *points at Lelouch* 

Zero: Yeah

Andrew: What are you willing to accomplish?

Zero: The destruction of Britannia

Andrew: laughs out loud Oh god that is funny *serious tone* You can't do that

Zero: What do you mean?

Andrew: You are either extremely naive which I don't think you are or just stupid

Zero: What would you do?

Andrew: Me? Just to take back the homeland

Zero: Aren't you fighting Britannia to accomplish that?

Andrew: Yeah but it's easier for Britannia to fall under its own weight

Saji: Sir we have reports from Euro Britannia

Andrew: From Russia eh? Give it to me later

Zero: (in thought) Does he think I am really stupid?

Andrew: Send Zero to the warden office

US soldier: Yes sir

(September 15th, 2017 a.t.b/ 1962 C.E)

Location: Inquisition Prison, Warden office

Zero is now in the warden office of the prison he is waiting for Andrew, he wants to know what is his true plan then he heard the door opening

Andrew: Ok Zero or should I say Lelouch vi Britannia, why are you really here?

Zero: *eyes widen* You knew

Andrew: It's pretty easy Lelouch I am not dumb, from what Eddy told me from Nunnally you want to take down Britannia for a better world for her

Lelouch: Can I ask you a question?

Andrew: Yeah

Lelouch: How did you know I was Zero?

???: Because I told him

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