Chapter 1; The Slaves

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I came to Kirkwall in search of one person. I had read the past of The Champion named Hawke, but after reading the ending, knowing the story, I knew he would be alone without her. The Champion had long since released her past with her once friends, giving them the safety she thought she could, yet knowing they would not be entirely safe. The tale being spread all around Thedas, many knew who followed The Champion into her battles, against slavers, mages, templars, guards, darkspawn, dragons, and who knows what else. She was so strong and looked up to, but when I read of how she left behind all her trustworthy companions, I was shocked. I wanted to understand her reasoning, but I knew I wouldn’t have the chance, so instead, I came to look for her lover in danger; Fenris. I had only heard he remained in Kirkwall, awaiting her return, but I knew she may not come back. I came here for his help, and to deliver a small message from The Champion.

It was about a week ago that I received a small note on my front door with a bright red arrow keeping it nailed into the wood. It read:

‘To Whom This May Concern

My name is Hawke, I am The Champion of Kirkwall and I ask you to deliver a message to Fenris who resides inside the walls of the very city I left behind. Please tell him I will not be returning to his side, and that it is okay to move on. I give him nothing more, nor do I ask for him to come looking for me. If he is to put up any kind of fight against you, tell him I asked him to be a good boy, and to just live on.

The Champion’


It was a crude note stained with blood at the bottom, but I could feel the sentiment and longing behind it, so I decided to deliver the message to Fenris after reading up on him in my little home. Finding out more about him and his past, I knew I needed to find him.

As I walked inside the walls of Kirkwall, I felt a flush of humid air hit my pale skin and rush through my armor, drying the sweat on the nape of my neck. My bright blue eyes wandered over the faces as I passed them and made my way up to Hightown, carefully watching the hands of every person, making sure to take in all those who had weapons and watch them until they were out of my sight. The venture felt like it took days, when I finally had my eyes set on his home.

Swallowing hard, I took the few steps forward towards the door and raised my hand to knock, freezing in the same moment. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of my face, dragging auburn brown locks down with it to coat my skin. I took in a deep breath and began to move my hand forward when the door slammed open and an arm reached out to grab the collar of the shirt I wore beneath my armor, pulling me inside to be pinned against the wall, hoisted in the air like some thief caught. As I heard the door close with a thud, my eyes moved down to see I was being held by him, his emerald eyes glaring up at me, only scaring me further. The lyrium marks on his skin burning a bright blue as his free hand was hung back, ready to burn past the armor on my body to my chest.

“Wait, please!” I yelled, my hands quickly grabbing his wrist as tight as I could in my frightened state, a sharp glare being thrown down at him as a bright red glow emanated from beneath my gauntlets, a sting of pain shot down his arm and a sharp gasp in, his hand releasing me and my body slinking to the floor. I let out heavy breaths and held my hand around my throat, feeling as if my life had been given back to me, yet I felt it snatched away as I raised my eyes up to face the tip of a sword aimed at me.

“Who sent you?!” He demanded, feeling the anger in his voice bang through my ears. I winced at the sound of his loud voice and pushed the threatening blade away from my face, answering his question in a softer voice that still held the anger towards him being so cruel to me.

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