Chapter 5; We Live On

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It took six months before we became husband and wife. The ceremony was beautiful, small, filled only with our friends that we grew to have in the year and a half we spent together, most I met through Fenris. They were all happy to come, as if surprised Fenris would settle down like this. All it did was make me feel special, as if he were waiting for me to come along and change his heart. I won’t deny it though, I’m glad I did what The Champion asked of me, and if nothing before that had happened the way I did, I would have never fallen so deep in love with someone so much like me.

Standing at the altar in the Chantry, our hands were held together tightly, the silver rings on our fingers glinting in the sunlight that flowed through the windows, our vows began, his voice, and then mine, echoing after one another in perfect harmony.

“I vow to never leave your side,”

“To remain ever loyal,”

“To fight as equal,”

“To stay forever strong beside you,”

“And to never give you any reason to doubt my strength.”

“I vow to love you,

“And cherish you,”

“For better or worse,”

“In sickness and in health,”

“Until death do us part.”

“I promise to lead you to your highest peek,”

“And to stand beside you,”

“Letting the world behold,”

“And awe in our power,”

“As we revel in not only our own,”

“But each other’s strength and love,”

“Not letting one glance of disapproval or jealousy,”

“Tear us apart.”

“I love you Crysta.” He smiled at me, and I returned it happily.

“I love you, Fenris, forever.” He gave me a nod and wrapped his arms around my body.

“And ever..”

“You may now kiss the bride.” As soon as the Mother who was binding us together spoke, Fenris moved in closer as my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in quicker than he would have moved in. Our lips locked together in a heated, passionate, and loving kiss, and our friends cheered behind us. As long as the kiss was held, there was only one throat clearing amongst our friends before we parted, laughing out to them as we finally stood to face them, holding hands tightly. We strood out of the Chantry and made our way back to our mansion. We didn’t want an after party, and we let our friends enjoy the cake, we had a small one ready for us for when we wanted it in our kitchen. No, there was plenty of time to eat. Now was the time to spend together, doing a lot more fun and adventurous things together.

Fenris not having a last name, we thought of giving him one. We knew the meaning of the name he was given, so we went with Wolf. As we laid in bed together, the sheets draping over our legs, we laced our hands together, fingers stuck in a tight embrace. He smiled at me and leaned his head in to press against mine, speaking quietly to me, “Now I have my own little wolf.. Mrs. Crysta Wolf..”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at him, lifting my head up to kiss the tip of his nose tenderly. “How does it feel to finally have a last name?”

His eyes closed and he leaned his head further down to rest it against my chest, letting out a sigh in content. “I feel complete… All I want, is for us to have a joyous life together.”

I lifted my free hand up and pushed my weight back against the pillows, running my fingers through his white locks. “We will. I promise to get you into tons of trouble.”

He laughed and nodded, wrapping his free arm around me, giving me his weight. “I hope so.”

That night was peaceful, nothing taking our smiles away, nothing disturbing our secret world. It was perfect, and it was just the beginning.

             ~THE END~

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