Chapter 3; Revenge and the Past

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As my eyes opened the next morning, I was greeted with the blinding sun from the window and a lingering warmth around my stomach. Running my hand down my body, I let out a pleasing breath, still able to feel him on me. Turning around, I expected to see Fenris lying there, but I was caught off guard with a muffled plea and a burning staff pointed at my face.

“Crysta. I’ve finally found you.” The female voice spoke out to me with a cold tone, demanding to say the least. Letting out a gasp, I lifted my body up, holding the sheets to hide my body, my eyes wide in surprise.

There was the female mage, her staff pointed at me in defense. Behind her, was a handful of guards, six surrounding my bed with their swords pointed at me, and three behind her, holding Fenris tight in their hands as he struggled. He had anger in his eyes, yet worry for me, a fold of cloth wrapped tight around his mouth. His hands and feet were shackled together, and he had nothing but his boxers on from the previous night.

My attention moved between the guards who held Fenris, him, and the mage. Glaring up at her, I couldn’t help but smirk.

“Inora. I figured you might come to see me, finding out I killed your husband and everything.”

She spat at me and sliced her staff down my arm, a yelp of pain leaving my lips and my body lowering, the cut draining blood down my skin. I chuckled and shook my head, lifting my eyes back up to look at her. “What do you want?”

“Your head, on a silver platter. Or more, maybe I will take your lover’s, instead.” Her lips curled into a cruel grin after she spoke, swaying her staff in Fenris’ direction and lighting it with flames. Crying out, I reached a hand out to him and screamed.


She chuckled and lowered her staff down, facing it back to me. Fenris locked eyes with me and gave me a sympathetic look, giving in to the guards and ceasing all struggles. I let out a light sigh and looked back up to Inora, glaring up at her. “You touch him, and I will slice your head off…”

All she did was laugh and strike the fire against my skin again, a groan leaving my lips before dropping my head, letting out a few breaths as I tried to keep my composure. She lowered the staff close to me again and spoke harshly, “Take those covers off, so I can see you grovel on your bare hands and knees.” Lifting my head up, I smirked at her, and lifted myself onto my knees.

“You won’t leave this house...alive.” Her eyes widened and before she could move, I launched my hand forward and caught her staff right above the flames, pulling it, and thrusting the end of it into her stomach, pushing her to the floor. As soon as she did, I rushed forward, still holding the sheet against my body, I dropped my free hand back and a red glow covered my skin. I stopped with my feet flat to the floor in front of Fenris, quickly thrusting my lyrium-powered palm against the guard’s head behind Fenris, pushing him back quickly. Having the extra freedom, Fenris fought one guard off and pushed his elbows against both, forcing them back. I quickly swung my glowing red hand up the shackles of his feet and hands, freeing him and tugging the cloth from his mouth with cooled fingers. He reached for a fallen sword, and I did the same, backing up until our backs touched each other’s. I glanced back at him over my shoulder, and he did the same, giving me a confident nod before we rushed in and took down one guard after the other.


It didn’t take but twenty glorious pain-filled minutes until every guard was down on the floor. I swiped the borrowed sword to the side to fling the blood off of it, and shoved it into the nearest guard’s back, turning to face Fenris, who had done the same. He looked at me and gave me an appreciated nod before beginning to lift the bodies out of the room and out the back door, dumping them down the hill and into the vast ocean that circled around Kirkwall. As he did, my sights were set on Inora, who struggled still alive, with the pain from her stomach.

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