Chapter 2; Love

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It had been just a month later, and we ventured out only a few times to gather food, enough to last for two weeks or more at a time. He didn’t seem to like people as much as I thought he would have, or at the very least had gotten used to. It was only once or twice that he’d stop me in front of stairs and walk off towards The Hanged Man or The Chantry, coming back just a couple minutes after. Other than the occasional book or a couple of training sessions, I never did much outside my own room in the mansion. Fenris only spoke to me when a meal was ready, or offering to make some food or take a shower before him. He was kind, but reserved. I wanted to break those chains there, bring out the trusting man who wanted to talk, to venture out.

A knock on the door startled the both of us one afternoon. My head lifted up from sharpening a sword and I quickly grabbed my daggers, rushing out of my room and right behind Fenris, as he did the same. Moving down to the front door, he peered out carefully as I stood across from him with my weapons at the ready. He let out a quiet breath as he tucked away his sword and motioned for me to lower mine as well. As he stepped around to face the door, I saw a glimmer of hope shine over his face once his hand opened the door.

“Fenris!,” was all I heard, blinking in surprise as I backed up into the shadows to let the door open fully, looking out into the bright sun to see a dwarf with brown hair, a crossbow on his back, a dark-skinned women behind him with black locks flowing down behind her shoulders, a lustful look in her eyes as she gazed at Fenris, daggers draped to her sides, and a thin elf with black hair as well, dalish markings on her face and a soft smile, a staff hooked behind her.

As Fenris stepped back, they all moved inside, the dwarf throwing his arms up as if he felt relieved to see the once-slave alive. “Been too long my friend. How have you been?”

“Just taking it one day at a time. How about you all?”

“Well, Bianca has been a little bored lately. I can’t get her to stay quiet for even a moment, she is definitely starving for some attention.” The dwarf motioned to the crossbow on his back as he spoke.

“I can’t find anything to do either. The Hanged Man is only good for free drinks and the occasional fist fight, but there is nothing else to do.” The dark-skinned women responded with a groan of detest as she spoke.

“I have to say I agree. It gets boring after watching the mice in my house run around chasing each other like heated animals. They’re no fun after they’ve had theirs.” The elf chuckled quietly with her words, seemingly ashamed to admit just what she had been doing in her home.

Fenris only laughed at their amusing tales, shaking his head at each one before he noticed the dwarf’s eyes dart towards me. He let out a sigh and stepped over to me, offering his hand out in my direction. “Come.” He said, and I stepped out of the draping shadows of the corner, taking his hand and letting him lead me towards these friends of his. Everyone’s eyes shot towards me, amazed with shock. They seemed to get the wrong impression, but I couldn’t help but blush as they stared at me with questions.

“Fenris. I thought after Hawke…” The dwarf spoke out, but Fenris easily cut him off.

“She’s not what you think. Everyone, this is Crysta. Crysta, you should know these three at the least. I’m sure you’ve heard of them.”

Recalling the tales of the Champion, my own eyes widened and I pointed to each of them as I called out their names. “You’re the Champion’s followers! Varric the dwarf that told all the tales of her, had her name spread throughout the Free Marches, starting her life! Isabela the daring thief that started the whole thing with the Qunari, only to come to her rescue before helping her behead the Arishok! Merrill the Dalish apostate, summoning demons to rally around her as she fought off Knight Commander Meredith!”

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