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"You don't get to just command us around! What you did earlier is unforgivable!" I whispered yelled to Ace who was standing in front of me while I was sitting on the couch.

Earlier Nick and the goats were playing in the yard with Mel and another one of Nick's little friends when Ace and Zach started fighting and Ace punched Zach and they almost started fighting in front of the kids.

"He was being an asshole!" He argued and he was pacing back and forth angrily.

He suddenly stormed towards the front door, "You can't just walk away from us!" I whisper yelled at him as I chased him. "Don't walk out of that fucking door." I finally screamed and he stopped in his tracks right before he reached the handle. "You really think I would walk out on you two." He said with his back to me still, "I couldn't leave if I wanted to. You guys are my entire world, I'm sorry about what happened between Zach and I but I can't undo what happened. Now I'm going for a walk and I'll be back when I'm calmed down." He said looking at me now and a tear slipped down my cheek. He kissed my forehead as wiped the tear away and then walked out the front door and closed it gently.

I stood there for a few moments before walking back to the couch and collapsing into it. I dropped my head into my hands with my elbows on my knees, "Mommy? Where's daddy?" I hear Nick ask and I look up, wiping away my tears. "He just went for a walk baby. Why are you up?" I asked as he walked over to me. "I heard daddy yelling. Are you guys getting a divorce?" He asked and I laughed, "Absolutely not. Where did you get that crazy idea?" I asked and I put him on my lap. "Dave said his parents argued a lot and then they got a divorce and earlier daddy punched Uncle Zach." Nick said and I smiled at him, "Daddy and I did argue but he will be back soon and until then why don't we watch Micky Mouse." I said turning on the TV and I set him next to me on the couch while turning on his favorite show.

I went and grabbed a blanket from the linen closet and draped it over him, "Can I have juice?" He asked and I looked at him with an 'are-you-kidding-me-right-now' look; he smiled and shrugged and I rolled my eyes, "Fine, you want snacks too?" I asked, he smiled at me and nodded.

"Little twerp." I mumbled as I grabbed a juice box out of the fridge and a bottle of wine. I grabbed Cheese-Itz and potato chips and brought them into the living room. When I looked at Nick though he was already asleep, I laughed and changed the channel to Dynasty. I drank the juice box and some of my mommy juice and ended up accidentally eating the whole bag of chips and half a box of Cheese-Itz.


I woke up and looked around, Nick was still asleep but Ace was nowhere to be found. I got up quietly and went upstairs and looked in every room, I checked the backyard, front porch, texted all of our friends. He was nowhere to be found at all.

I tried calling him a few times but he didn't answer. I'm sure he is just at some hotel trying to relax for a little bit, I'll call him later.


"Just let me go." I said as I watched my phone ring on the floor and Andy's beautiful face lit up the screen.

I was tied to a chair with what felt like enough duct tape to make a boat. "Brittany, come on. I thought we were passed all of this stupid high school shit. I have a kid and a wife-" I started to say and the blonde whipped around and looked at me with piercing eyes. She pointed the sharp chopping knife at my chest, "Her! That stupid bitch!" Brittany snapped at me.

"Are you okay? Just let me go, we can get you help." I told her, I swear I had seen her have a mental break or something while she has held me in this warehouse.

"Shut up!" She screamed clutching her head and chucking the knife in my direction and I squeezed my eyes shut.

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