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Rachels POV

As we were practicing Scolari told us too practice new tricks. He said we had 10 minutes. Since the world cup was coming in 2 weeks. Neymar was helping me since he thought "i needed help" but i didn't i knew some tricks already. Im pretty good at soccer to so yeah. After the 10 minutes i couldn't get my mind off after what happened last night. So Scolari switched me rooms so now i had a room the same size but there was a window. The window luckily was locked tight and was bullet proof. Why was it bullet proof. Whatever you may never know the thoughts that cristian has.

As we were done practicing for 3 hours Neymar wanted to bet on something.
"I want to bet on something Rachel."
"What is it Neymar."
"If i win the bet you have to be my girlfriend but, i'll ask you in a proper way. And you have to kiss me in the middle of the field."
"And if i win you have to be my boyfriend." I said while giggling.
"Also you have to dance to the song i like to move it move it by the movie madagascar in the middle of the field during a game deal with a hawaiian suit?"
"A deal is a deal." He said that smirking.
So the point was whoever scores on each other first lose the bet.
We did a flip coin toss.
I got heads. He got tails. He fucking won shit.
So i got ready to be goalie i put on my knee guards and my gloves. Neymar had the ball already infront of him. He backed up and came running and kicked the ball.
I blocked it yaayyy.
It was my turn to kick the ball so we switched positions.
I went towards the ball and kicked it towards the corner.
He caught the ball shit.
"Is that tue best you can do?" He said
"No im just warming up." Im such a liar.
We switched positions and he kicked the ball and i slid towards the ground and caught the ball. Yuuusss. I said as i shot my arm in the air. We switched positions again. I kicked the ball and pretended to kick it to the left and instead i kicked it to the right and i won. I started running across the field and chanted "I won! You lost! I won! You lost! Haha! Haha!"
"shut up Rachel i did it on purpose."
"No you didn't cause you tried your hardest i could tell."
"Fine but you still have to kiss me on the middle of the field during a game."
"No you don't you lost the bet."
He then picked me up and put me on his shoulder and said
"Yes you are say it or i won't put you down."
"Your going to get tired anyways."
I said smirking.
He then said "I won't be your boyfriend."
"No! no! no! you guys!! tell neymar to put me down!"
"They won't listen to you i told them about this already."
"Neymar." i said while groaning.
"Say it rachel! say it! say it!"
"Fine im going to kiss you in the middle of the field during a game." i said in a boring tone.
"See i told you i always get what i want." He said smirking.
"But you still have to dance in the middle of the field to the song i like to move it move it by madagascar the movie. And with the hawaiian suit."
He let me down to the floor and i started running away from him because he wanted me to take off the part of him in a hawaiian suit. Like im going to do that. I started running as fast as i can since neymar is a fast runner. I quickly hid behind marcelo and told him "Don't tell neymar im here. okay?" "Fine."
Neynar comes towards marcelo smirking and asked "Hey marcelo where's Rachel at?"
"She's behind me."
I start to run again and i get tired so i fell to the field and just pulled myself away from him but he got me and put me on his shoulder again. "Rachel take off the hawaiian suit part of the dance."
"No neymar a bet is a bet."
"Please i don't want to embarass myself im already dancing. Please."
"Fine only since im being nice."
I said smirking.
"I always get what i want rachel."
Shit i forgot about that. Cheeky little boy.
After that i went to the bathroom and changed. When i was done I saw neymar looking mad. Why was he mad? He then comes running towards me and so does Hulk. Who was behind me? Then Neymar screamed "Don't look behind you Rachel please!!" I wanted to look so bad so i looked and see it was Cristian. He covered my breath then i pretended to faint he dragged me somewhere. Then i punched him really hard and kicked him in his private area. I started running towards neymar as soon as i founf him and hugged him. "Sorry neymar! im soo sorry for not listening to you. I should of never turned around i'll always listen to you. It's just i had the urge to turn around."
"It's okay Rachel as long as your with Me Scolari and the guys. How did you escape him that quick?" "Oh i pretended to faint but instead i hold mr breath and he dragged me for 1 min and i stood up and punched him and kicked him in his private area." I said while chuckling.
"Well your a smart girl."
"Psshhh i always knew that you know."
"Come on babe im taking you somewhere but first im going to take you to your house so you can get ready and then im going to take you somewhere special to eat. Okay?"
"Okay sounds good to me."

Cristians POV

*on the phone*

"Fuck!!! i couldn't get her this time."
I say as i talk to Bruna.
"Calm down Cristian were going to make them break up soon. Don't worry i know what to do."
"Are you sure i heard them their going somewhere to eat."
"Did they say the name of the restaurant?"
"No luckily no."
"Shit. Okay so when their done with their date tomorrow i could sneak in Neymar's house and try to warn him about him and Rachel yeah?"
"Sounds good to me soon im going to have rachel all mine and you with Neymar."
"Yeah i can't wait for that." she said i know she would be smiling right now.
"How am i going to get Rachel everyone seems to have he back."
"But not Neymar cause they don't know about me trying to get him back. I have a another plan. Im going to pick up Davi and then when Davi is in the car i could pretent i forgot something in the house and the just slowly start kissing him. I will have my grip on him tight."
"Before that Bruna. Come to my apartment ok. So............ we can discuss things you know." I said smirking.
"Alright pretty boy can't wait for tonight then."

Rachels POV

As me and neymar got to Scolari's house i go upstairs and get ready.I first take a shower since we cane back from practice. Then I put on my red flowy dress with some black heels. Then i put on my mascara and eyeliner. Put my red lipstick. At tje end i blow dry my hair and curl it afterwards. I go downstairs and see Neymar's eyes sparkling like he had found the precious jewel on earth.
"Woow Rachel............ you look....... umm gorgeous."
"Why thank you. Are we going to your hoise so you can get ready?"
"Oh ummm yeah come on let's go."
"Scolari were leaving ok."
"Okay be careful i heard what happened at practice so stay with neymar the whole time."
"Okay bye Scolari."
As we leave the house we go to Neymar's house and he gets ready.
He weared a black tux. I think its too fancy but whatever he looked hot in it.
"Ready Rachel?"
"Yeah im ready."
Well he gets ready fast.
We the soon start driving to the restaurant it took a long time to get there. Then i realize we weren't going to a restaurant. We were going too..................

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How did cristian get in contact with bruna?

Will cristian have rachel back in his arms?

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