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Neymars POV

We were driving back home after we visited gerard. Him and rachel talked about a lot of things. And how she's going to spain to see her actual mom.
"Hey neymar."
"What is it babe?"
"What's going to happen right after I switch teams. I won't be able to practice with you anymore."
"It's going to be fine if we don't practice together. And I have to go to spain to. I have a team there you know."
"Oh I forgot about that."
We got to the house and we go inside. Rachel turns the tv on seeing Teen Wolf on. She starts fangirling and gets food so she won't be bored just watching it. They were playing some few episodes from season 3 and other episodes that already showed on tv from season 4.
"Hey babe. I'm going to the mall real quick."
"Okay. Be careful I love you." She came up to me pecked my lips and went back to the couch. I go outside and start driving towards the mall.

Rachels POV

Why did neymar had to go to the mall. I'm going 5 minutes after or so. I get a chocolate bar and get Davi ready. I go get the keys and we go towards my car. I buckle davi and we start driving at a medium pace to the mall. I turn the radio on full blast and the song that was playing was Iggy Azalea Fancy ft Charli. After we parked I got some shades on, took my leather jacket off and put on a giant hoodie. This time I was wearig jeans so he won't recognize me. I put davi his shades also and a black jacket with a hat so the color of his hair won't show. I grab his hand and we start going inside the mall. We first stop by a toy store and buy new toys for davi. We go to the chanel store and I buy a bag there cause I needed a new one. We walk around the mall trying to not make it obvious that were looking for neymar. I bump into someone and see it was cristian. Shit change accent rachel! Change accent!
"I'm sorry ma'am are you okay."
"Yes I am. I'm glad you asked." I said in a british accent since I couldn't think of anything else.
"You seem familiar. Like someone related to me or I dated."
"That's interesting. Bumping into someone like you is unexpected. I thought never in my life I would bump into you or anyone famous."
"Ahh. Well have a good day."
"You too." I walk first normal and I turn around and I don't see him there. I walk faster and I was at the food court. Davi wanted a swirly rainboe lollipop so we go inside the candy store. After that I bump into someone. "What's with me bumping into people."
"Ma'am are you okay." It was dylan o'brien and gerard.
"Yes I am thank you."
"Rachel. Don't go anywhere why are you here."
"Let's go inside the candy store and i'll tell you gerard."
"You guys are related!?!" Dylan said
"Yes now sshhh."
We go inside the candy store and Itell gerard everything. I put my shades back on and we were about to head out until davi said.
"Daddy. He's over there."
We all turn our heads and he was with another girl. I got so mad my blood started to boil up.
"What the fuck is he doing with that sluttly little bitch. I thought he said he loved me. I thought he said I was better than her. I thought he said I was the girl he wished for. I fell for him badly then. I totally regret it." I said and a little tear started coming out of my eye. Gerard hugged me and said he wasn't worth my tears and that he's going to help me when I give birth to the baby.
"Davi. Go to daddy and say why are you with the ugly girl okay." I said smiling at him.
"Okay achel. I love you." I hugged him and he ran off towards his dad.
"I'm going to wait until he turns around to see his expression. Fucking bruna and his ass still fell for her after what she did to him."
Gerard, Dylan, and I wait for neymar to look. Davi was already with his dad and he screamed
He looked at davi with wide eyes and tried looking for me. He finally saw me and I waved at him smiling then I stuck him the middle finger and I walked away from him. I walked faster and neymar was chasing after me.
"It's not what you think!"
"That's what every guy says neymar. If it's not what you think then why did you kiss her. Then why did you tell me i'm better than her. Then why did you say you loved me. Then why did you even have a baby with me. Did you pretend to be happy when I bet you were disappointed or shocked. Huh neymar. What are you gonna do now. Are you going to tell fernandinho your mistake. Cheating isn't a mistake neymar, it's a choice. You decided to cheat on me. That was your choice. I'm done with you neymar." My voice got shaky halfway and my eyes turned wattery. I clean them up and I bump into someone else. Seriously what's up with me bumping into people. I look up and I see it was Tyler Posey.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay." I said
"Yeah. Are YOU okay?"
"I'm totally fine. thanks for asking." I said and wiped a tear off. I walked away and he kept looking at me as I walked away. What up with the cast of teen wolf in brazil. Do they like soccer or what. Whatever. I go inside the car and go to the house. I start packing my things really quick. I head out the house checking i didn't forget anything. I take all the chocolate bars and sodas. I start to drive off and go to main office to see which houses are available for sale. I get a phone call and it was neymar. I decline it and keep driving. He kept calling me until I decided to block his number when there was a red light. As I got there I get greeted by a old woman in her mid 30s or 40s.
"Hello Mrs.Pique what can I do for you."
"Do you have any houses available." I said trying to smile.
"Yes we do. You can take a look at this catalog and i'll show you the houses available."
I look at the catalog and my phone starts ringing. It was Gerard. I excuse myself from the lady and I answer the call.
"Hey gerard."
"Hey rachel. How are you right now."
"Good. Just looking for a new house to move in to. I packed my stuff when I got to his house."
"That's good." He said and I heard guys on the backround.
"Who else is there. I heard other voices. Gerard, did you put me on speaker!?!"
"Yes. And it's Dylan and his friend."
"Which friend."
"They guy you bumped into." Tyelr speaks up.
"Ohh. Hey gerard I have to go. I'll call you when i already bought the house okay. Bye I love you." With that I ended the call.
"I'm sorry I took long."
"It's okay. And I already chose some houses you woukd have interest into."
"Okay thanks." I look at the catalog and I like this one house. The kitchen was 80s themed style and so was the living room. It cam with a pool and had two guest rooms. It had 2 floors and one small excercizing room.
"I like this one actually. It's my kind of style." I said and smiled.
"Well we can drive over there and I can show you around. It already has the furniture inside displayed."
The lady goes inside her car and I go in mine. I follow her and we got to the house. She takes the keys and opens it. I go inside and it exactly looked like the catalog. I go inside the kitchen and it was like a dreamhouse to me. All 80s themed style. I go upstairs and look at the rooms. it was gorgeous alright. I go downstairs seeing the lady smiling at me.
"So do you like it?"
"Yes I do. It's gorgeous, I want to take it."
"They payment will be 37,450$ Mrs.Pique."
I open my bag and write her a check from my bank account and give it to her. She gives me the keys to the house and I thank her. She soon leaves and I call Gerard.
"Hey. I picked the house already."
"You did."
"Yeah. You want to visit right now. I'll text you the adress."
"Yeah. Is it fine if I take Dylan with me and Tyler."
"It's fine. I'm going to unpack now. See you in a few minutes."
I text him the adress and I immediately go upstairs looking which room should be mine. I unlock my car and take out all of my luggage. I go into the king sized bed and look at the closet. It was pretty big. I unpack and start hanging my clothes and Put my fragrances and girly things in the bathrrom inside my room. After I was done I sit in the living room and start watching tv. I then remember and take out the chocolate and soda I had out of the car. I put it in the kitchen table and take the soda with me while watching White chicks. Ten minutes later the doorbell rings. I go get it and it was gerard and his two other friends.
"Come in." I said smiling.
"Wooah. This is a nice house." Gerard said
"I know. It's why I bought it gerard." I said with my squeaky voice.
"Shush. I like the theme of the house. All 80s and with the checkered floor and polka dots around the bathroom."
"I know. I barely have food so i'm going grocery shopping later."
"I like your house Rachel." Dylan says.
"Rachel! Can I move in with you?" Gerard said while he was exploring the house.
"If they let you. Remember were playing for the cup. Your going to ask your coach about that gerard." I said chuckling
"Okay. You got food."
"Chocolate and Soda. I took it before I left his raggedy ass house gerard. I took all of it."
"Typical Rachel."
"Shhh. You guys can look around the house if you want. Or sit in the couch and watch the movie that's on." I said smiling at Dylan and Tyler.
"Sure we'll take a look around the house." They start looking around and I go to the living room and keep watching the movie while drinking my soda.
"I called my coach and he said that I can move in with you." Gerard said smiling
"Yay!! I won't be lonely anymore even though I bought the house today!" I said hugging him and he chuckles.
"I'm jealous of you house rachel." Dylan said to me.
"You should be." I said giving him a smile.
"Hey you want to celebrate by going to get giant hamburgers."
"Yes I do! Wait I have a phone call." I answer it and the person starts speaking. I put it on speaker.
"Hey babe. I'm sorry for what I did." I couldn't believe it was him. I got kinda mad then sad.
"What the fuck first i'm not your babe for what you did today at the mall! And second if you were sorry you wouldn't have cheated on me with her raggedy ass and you know that so why bother even calling me when we both know that you want to be with he right now since I broke up with you." My voice got shaky again halfway.
"That's not true. She wanted me to help her on something."
"Yeah sure neymar. Help your ex girlfriend on something while you both lean in and kiss each other. Is that what you call helping neymar. Cause I know it isn't." Tears start coming out of my eyes and gerard hugs me. He takes the phone and he starts yelling at neymar. After that he ends the phone call while Dylan and Tyler just stare while I grab a chocolate bar and sit down with a sad face expression.

Neymars POV

God why did I do this to her. I wasn't cheating on her. I'm so stupid for doing this to her. She moved out the house already. I lost someone that actually loved me just because I kissed bruna and I didn't mean to. She kissed me. And she did need help but I did fell for it. I was at the mall going to buy rachel a gift cause I wanted to show how much i love her. I guess not now. I called fernandinho and I told him everything.
"You fucked up bad neymar. Why did you fall for her trick."
"I know I did and she convinced me fernandinho."
"Whatever neymar. What are you going to do tomorrow at practice. The guys are going to be disappointed at you. And especially marcelo and oscar. I'll come over in a few minutes okay."
"She took all the chocolate and soda too."
"Typical Rachel. Well i'm on my way now neymar. I'm going to hang up now." With that he did.

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